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Report: 2016 Temkin Experience Ratings of Tech Vendors

Experience Matters

We just published a Temkin Group report 2016 Temkin Experience Ratings of Tech Vendors that rates the customer experience of 62 large tech vendors based on a survey of 800 IT decision makers from large North American firms. This is the fifth year of the ratings, here are links to the 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 ratings. Here is the executive summary […].

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Do Customer Journeys Drive Your Content Strategy?

Kerry Bodine

This journey map for the Exploratorium , a science museum in San Francisco, is one of my favorites. That’s because the folks at the former design agency Adaptive Path (which was acquired by Capital One back in 2014) did a great job of highlighting two key things: 1) The entirety of the customer experience. It would be easy for Exploratorium management to focus exclusively on the museum experience—everything that happens within their physical walls, represented by the square box in the middle of


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What 1000 Consumers Say About Bad Customer Service


CONTENTS. Intro: Word of mouth marketing. 1: The importance of getting it right first time. 2: Our experiment. 3: The results. 4: What this means for your business. 5: Is it too late to win the customer back? 6. What you can do to rectify bad customer service. Takeaways. Intro: Word of mouth marketing. Word of mouth marketing is one of the most valuable forms of marketing with 92% of consumers believing recommendations from friends and family over all forms of advertising.

Consumers 233
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5 Epic Employee Engagement Issues You Never Noticed

Experience Investigators by 360Connext

Highly-engaged employees will deliver better experiences to your customers, leading to increased loyalty, more referrals, and more business overall. Yippee! However, employee engagement is emotional and often hinged on the very last experience an employee might have – with his or her manager, with co-workers, with an angry client, or even with you. These simple moments add […].

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3 Ways Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Can Improve Customer Experience

Today’s digitally savvy customers have high expectations of retailers for convenience, responsiveness, and ease of doing business both in-store and online. Our recent survey of over 2,000 US consumers found that retailers that can drive a seamless, omnichannel customer experience (CX) – across physical and digital channels – have huge benefits for brand relevance, profitability, and customer loyalty.

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Generation Z statistics: New report on the values, attitudes and behaviors of the post-Millennials


Generation Z, the cohort born between 1996 and 2010, is ready for the spotlight. Finally escaping the shadows of the generations before them, many Gen Zers are now entering the workforce. As a result, their spending power, currently valued at $44 billion , is growing every day. Also known as Gen Z, iGeneration (iGen) or Net Gen, this cohort is massive and influential.

Report 219

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The Kindness GAP: Differentiation by Practicing Civility in Uncivil Times

Michelli Experience

In addition to highly conflictual political discourse (which may have sunk to an all-time low in the US), I’ve recently observed a number of people making obscene gestures at one another, swearing, and ranting in stores as well as during miscellaneous business transactions. American activist Rachel Corrie once noted, “We should be inspired by people…who show that human beings can be kind, brave, generous, beautiful, strong – even in the most difficult circumstances” I am convi

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The proactive approach to customer complaints

Customer Bliss

Customer complaints are everywhere, and happen all the time. The word “complaints” is a bad word, yes — on the surface. But there’s power in customer complaints, just as there’s power in any feedback. Quickly, before we get to the action items on this post: think of your favorite brands. Consider brands that you love. You buy from them all the time.

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What is the Most Important Contact Center Metric?

Heart of the Customer

I presented at the ICMI CC Expo last month in Long Beach. It’s always a great conference, and I look forward to it each year. In the afternoon after my journey mapping workshop I attended a Justin Robbin’s session on metrics. Justin began by asking attendees the most important metric they tracked. Think about it […]. The post What is the Most Important Contact Center Metric?

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Break Down Barriers to a Great Customer Experience

CX Journey

Image courtesy of real ramona Is your organization suffering from silo-itis? If you answered that question with a "yes," you're absolutely, 110% not alone. Unless your company was intentionally built from the ground up to not function in silos - and you're lucky, and unique, if it was - then silos are an issue for you and for your customers. We all know how detrimental silos can be not only to the customer experience but also to an organization.

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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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Innovative Service: Emotional Connections for Great Experience

Wired and Dangerous

76% of wired and dangerous customers today say they view customer service as the true test of how much a company values them. Walk into one of your favorite service providers and you immediately feel the difference in the experience that makes this establishment one of your chosen few. What is the difference? There is no doubt that the product or outcome they deliver is one you value and trust but most likely they make a strong emotional connection with you that you find meaningful.

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Customer Emotions (Joy, Anger, Sadness, and Fear) Affect Contact Center Interactions

Experience Matters

As you may know, Temkin Group labeled 2016 “The Year of Emotion” in its annual listing of customer experience trends. Why? Because emotion drives loyalty. And yet, despite its significant impact on customer loyalty, organizations do not focus on emotion enough. So to help increase organizations’ awareness of this critical area of customer experience, we […].

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3 Vital Trends For Your Mobile Experience

Beyond Philosophy

How much time did you spend on your mobile today? Are you reading this article on it right now? When you misplace it or forget it at home, be honest: Do you feel naked without your phone? Smartphone users love their phones. I know I do (my answers are 2.5 hours; no, but if it weren’t mine I would be; and yes.) Over two billion people use them two hours a day.

Trends 131
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20 Customer Experience Influencers to Follow in 2017


2017 is already knocking on the door, so we thought it would be useful for our readers out there to know who are some of the top customer experience influencers they can follow in the upcoming year. Through our work we have a daily exposure to these thought leaders and always enjoy learning about best […]. The post 20 Customer Experience Influencers to Follow in 2017 appeared first on CustomerGauge.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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5 CX Strategy Killers You Need to Get Over

Experience Investigators by 360Connext

It seems to be human nature to focus on the unnecessary but more attractive/compelling/interesting/entertaining distractions instead of the stalwart/steady/reliable but boring items in our everyday lives. How many moments do we give to social media, Buzzfeed, Candy Crush, etc? We do this in spite of having real deadlines, goals, and responsibilities.

Strategy 208
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How smart brands measure customer intelligence ROI


In our e-book The 10 Smartest Brands: How They Use the Competitive Advantage of Customer Intelligence , we reveal how companies like D E WALT, LinkedIn and Salomon engage with customers to make better marketing, customer experience and product innovation decisions. These companies understand that the more they know their customers, and the more they engage with them, the greater the benefits of customer intelligence.

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11 Industry Experts Discuss “What’s More Important: Customer First or Profit First?”

Steve DiGioia

This original article was written by Steve DiGioia. Businesses across the land champion their great service and the positive experience given to their throngs of loyal customers. They tout the benefits of their product and how they tend to the specific needs, wants and desires of their customers. But as time passes many forget their original stated intent and lean more toward reducing payroll, lowering operational/product costs and finally to increasing profit as their primary goal.

Industry 209
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Make a Mouse: The Power of a Culture of Customer Experience Excellence

Michelli Experience

I’ve often said anyone can create a mouse. All you have to do is put a copious quantity of food and cloth scraps on your floor and, over time, a mouse will appear. The same can be said for great service cultures. Leaders are responsible for “creating the right environment” for world-class customer experiences to occur. Take Starbucks as an example. . .

Culture 200
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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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Digital storytelling: The unabashed power in CX

Customer Bliss

Digital storytelling is crucial in customer experience. Before we get deep into digital storytelling and how to maximize your processes around it, let’s briefly set up why storytelling as a whole — and especially digital storytelling — is important in the current business climate. The importance of digital storytelling. Here’s a Wharton interview with Carmine Gallo , the author of a book called The Storyteller’s Secret.

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Save Your Customer Service Team from Vampire Customers

Customers That Stick

We've Moved! Update your Reader Now. This feed has moved to: [link] Update your reader now with this changed subscription address to get your latest updates from us.

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Be a Customer Experience Leader. Measure the Right Way.

CX Journey

Today I'm pleased to share a guest post by Martha Brooke of Interaction Metrics. Are you achieving your goals for the customer experience? If not, you’re probably not measuring in the right way. Learn what that way is. Goals: Companies want to give and get value through the customer experience - what are your goals? Some companies seek to deliver proactive customer service.

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What Makes Great Customer Service Great?

Wired and Dangerous

Today’s wired and dangerous customers crave organizations that consistently deliver great service and create emotional connections with customers. Do you have people in your organization who consistently deliver great customer service? We walked into the Marriott Windsor, Connecticut on a Monday about 8:20pm after a two hour flight from Atlanta to find a crowd at the Front Desk.

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Reimagine Your Communications With A Unified Platform

Cut complexity and boost efficiency while empowering your customers with Nextiva's unified communications platform. Nextiva streamlines workflows and centralizes customer interactions, all while simplifying business collaboration, increasing productivity, and reducing employee burnout.

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The Ultimate Customer Experience Infographic, 2016

Experience Matters

Once again, Temkin Group is publishing a new infographic as part of our CX Day celebration. Take a look at last year’s ultimate CX infographic. Here are links to download different versions of the infographic: Infographic: in.jpg format, in.pdf format 18″ x 24″ poster: in.jpg format, in.pdf format Filed under: CCXP3 Organizational Adoption […].

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Another Amazing Mistake – Customers Revolt!

Beyond Philosophy

Toblerone fans got a nasty surprise when they bought their favorite treat recently. The chocolate bar got a makeover, losing volume and a noticeable gap between the triangles. Customers noticed the change, but not in a good way. Toblerone, a chocolate bar known for its triangular shape and unique packaging, reduced the size of their 170-gram (Almost 6 oz.) candy bar to 150 (5.291).

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The Most Important Career Development Tip You Can Receive (Or Give)

Michel Falcon Experience

In this short video, I share the career development tip I used as an employee that helped me get promoted five times in five years. Whether you’re a business person, athlete or artist, this tip has proven to work time and time again. Hint : Derek Jeter and Beyonce make an appearance in the video (sort of). And, I filmed it at an iconic Canadian landmark.

Tips 120
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Achieve Stellar Customer Service with the Aloha Principle

Experience Investigators by 360Connext

Hawaiians have a reputation for delivering stellar customer service. They seem to always maintain a genuinely warm and friendly manner when dealing with their clients, making it virtually impossible to feel dissatisfied even after experiencing some sort of service failure. The secret may be that they have a sunny outlook on life that comes from living […].

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Navigating the Future: Unveiling Trends and Bold Predictions in Customer Experience

Ready to explore 2024’s CX landscape? Join experts from SMG and guest Forrester as they discuss prominent trends actively shaping the industry and dive into a stack of bold predictions for the year ahead. Will the average customer experience improve? How can leaders leverage their CX metrics to establish financial linkage? What will global firms achieve using customer-facing generative AI?

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The Authenticity challenge: 25 marketing, CX and innovation takeaways from the 2016 Customer Intelligence Summit


Earlier this week, more than 400 professionals in marketing, customer experience, innovation and research gathered in Chicago for the 2016 Customer Intelligence Summit. The two-day annual conference featured keynotes and presentations by some of the world’s leading customer-centric brands. Here’s a look at our favorite takeaways from this year’s Summit. 1.

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Enriching the Customer Experience Works in Any Industry

Steve DiGioia

Guest post by Ben Motteram This original article was written by Steve DiGioia. Today’s guest post is by Ben Motteram , the Principal at CXpert, a customer experience consulting company. Ben has over 20 years’ experience in customer service, and is a recognized CX thought leader. Thanks Ben! As someone deeply involved in customer service and the overall customer experience, I am interested in identifying companies that share my love of service and how they tend to the customer’s needs.

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You Want Engaged Employees? Ignite Mastery

Michelli Experience

Thought leaders like Daniel Pink have provided insightful analysis of research showing three key drivers of human behavior: Purpose. Autonomy, and. Mastery. In essence, ample research shows that people will give maximal effort when they believe their effort will make a purposeful difference when they are given some level of control over the task or timeline for completing a project, and when they are provided the chance to grow and master new skills.