Sat.Jun 18, 2016 - Fri.Jun 24, 2016

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6 Stats That Show Employee Engagement’s Impact On Customer Satisfaction

InMoment XI

The idea that employee engagement has a measurable impact on customer satisfaction and retention is intuitive. We understand a disengaged employee is less likely to provide a positive service experience (and even less likely to provide an exceptional one). When Sue is unhappy at work, she isn’t motivated to go above-and-beyond for a customer. She’s.

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Communication, communication, communication! Why you cannot ‘over’ communicate when it comes to Customer Experience


I have written many times in the past about the importance of effective communication if an organisation has an intention to deliver consistently better Customer Experiences. Whilst much of my writing has been focused on the importance of the communication relationship between a company and the customer, I have not been as vocal about the almost equal criticality of the communication between a company and it’s employees.


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Customer retention: 35 data-backed approaches

Customer Bliss

I talk often about customer experience , but recently I’ve heard from some followers that they’d like a bit more on customer retention. The first thing to understand about customer retention is that obviously it comes straight from customer experience. In short, if the customer experience is good, the customer retention is there. Also there: referral.

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Who comes first, the employee or the customer?


I was visiting a client last week and we started talking about the recent trend in customer experience which suggests that customers should come first over everything else. Over profits and stakeholders, over processes and policies and over employees. Although this sort of thinking has the right intentions, I think it’s a little misguided and could do more harm than good in the long run.

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3 Ways Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Can Improve Customer Experience

Today’s digitally savvy customers have high expectations of retailers for convenience, responsiveness, and ease of doing business both in-store and online. Our recent survey of over 2,000 US consumers found that retailers that can drive a seamless, omnichannel customer experience (CX) – across physical and digital channels – have huge benefits for brand relevance, profitability, and customer loyalty.

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The Client Wish List

InMoment XI

Is what you see what you really get? Sunday mornings in my youth – thinking back now, I can still clearly recall how excited I would get when I’d riffle through the thick Sunday newspaper and pull out the COLOR COMICS! And there was one thing I liked most – the color optical illusion on. View Article.

B2B 200

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Leaders Learn: 5 Things Every Strong Service Leader Does

Who's Your Gladys?

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” – John F. Kennedy. If you’ve read “Who’s Your Gladys?” or “Taming Gladys!“, you know that we espouse lifelong learning as THE key to success. A true leader – in any field – likes pursuing new ideas and innovation. They. The post Leaders Learn: 5 Things Every Strong Service Leader Does appeared first on Who's Your Gladys?

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Report: Economics of Net Promoter Score, 2016

Experience Matters

We just published a Temkin Group report, Economics of Net Promoter, 2016. Here’s the executive summary: Net Promoter® Score (NPS®) is a popular metric that companies use to analyze their customer experience efforts, but how does it actually relate to loyalty? We asked thousands of consumers to give an NPS to 294 companies across 20 industries, […].

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The Client Wish List

InMoment XI

Is what you see what you really get? Sunday mornings in my youth – thinking back now, I can still clearly recall how excited I would get when I’d riffle through the thick Sunday newspaper and pull out the COLOR COMICS! And there was one thing I liked most – the color optical illusion on.

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Using consumer insight for rebranding: Q&A with Price Chopper’s Sam Trimboli


Founded in 1932, the New York-based grocer Price Chopper (known as Market 32 in some regions) operates 135 stores in the American Northeast. To accomplish a goal of elevating customer experience , the company engages with 5,000 customers through Food For Thought, a Vision Critical insight community first launched in 2012. The insight community provides ongoing feedback from customers and helps Price Chopper make better decisions about strategy, branding and marketing campaigns.

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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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3 Ways to Add Magic to your Customer Service Training

Experience Investigators by 360Connext

What do customers talk about after interacting with your company? Most likely, one of two things happens. They tell their friends all about the painful, frustrating experience of an interaction gone wrong. Or…they tell their friends how happy they were with the service of such an exceptionally helpful, friendly representative for your company. In fact, these […].

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How to Get Customer Feedback the RUF Way


We live in an age where customers expect to be able to give their feedback on everything almost instantly. Products can be instantly reviewed on Amazon, restaurants critiqued on Yelp, hostels on TripAdvisor. If customers feel unheard, they can turn to Twitter and other social media platforms to share their opinions. So, it’s important to collect useful feedback from your customers to ensure they feel valued and also action their comments.

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The Client Wishlist

InMoment XI

Is what you see what you really get? Sunday mornings in my youth – thinking back now, I can still clearly recall how excited I would get when I’d riffle through the thick Sunday newspaper and pull out the COLOR COMICS! And there was one thing I liked most – the color optical illusion on.

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Call Quality Monitoring Dos and Don’ts

NICE inContact

Customer experience is a huge factor in bringing consumers back into the fold as repeat customers. A major facet of a customer’s experience is the customer service exchanges they have with your company’s representatives. Any employee that a customer talks to is the face of your business during that interaction. If your employees are interacting with a high volume of customers on the phone, it’s important to make sure those contacts are both positive for the customer and aligned with your busines

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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THE Customer Experience Question That Silences The Room

Experience Investigators by 360Connext

I always feel a little bad when I inevitably silence the room with a simple question. The post THE Customer Experience Question That Silences The Room appeared first on Customer Experience Consulting.

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How to Get Customer Feedback the RUF Way


We live in an age where customers expect to be able to give their feedback on everything almost instantly. Products can be instantly reviewed on Amazon, restaurants critiqued on Yelp, hostels on TripAdvisor. If customers feel unheard, they can turn to Twitter and other social media platforms to share their opinions. So, it’s important to collect useful feedback from your customers to ensure they feel valued and also action their comments.

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6 Stats That Show Employee Engagement’s Impact On Customer Satisfaction

InMoment XI

The idea that employee engagement has a measurable impact on customer satisfaction and retention is intuitive. We understand a disengaged employee is less likely to provide a positive service experience (and even less likely to provide an exceptional one). When Sue is unhappy at work, she isn’t motivated to go above-and-beyond for a customer. She’s.

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Marketing Solutions to More Actionable Insights


Marketing depends upon actionable insights to satisfy and delight their customers. How comfortable are you with your own process and the actionability of the results? Insights are the holy grail that all businesses seek but rarely find. Are you one of them? If so then I have some tips on how you can get better [.]. The post Marketing Solutions to More Actionable Insights appeared first on C3Centricity.

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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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51 New Contact Center RFP Questions


One of our most popular blog posts is 52 Contact Center RFP Questions to Ask Vendors. We’ve updated this list with the most up-to-date information. Choosing a contact center outsourcer is a huge investment. Which is, of course, why you’re willingly subjecting yourself to the time constraints and stress of writing an RFP. Need some insight? We’ve compiled a list of 51 contact center RFP questions to help you ensure you’re making the most informed decision.

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Being CCO Of A Privately-Held Company, With Nick Frunzi [CB10]

Customer Bliss

Episode Overview. In this, the 10th episode of the Human Duct Tape Show podcast (we made double digits!), I talk with Nick Frunzi. Nick is the CCO of Esri, which is the world’s second-largest privately-held technology company. This creates a new set of challenges for the CCO role — in publicly-held and traded companies, many executive decision-making concepts are beholden to share price and investor relationships.

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6 Stats That Show Employee Engagement’s Impact On Customer Satisfaction

InMoment XI

The idea that employee engagement has a measurable impact on customer satisfaction and retention is intuitive. We understand a disengaged employee is less likely to provide a positive service experience (and even less likely to provide an exceptional one). When Sue is unhappy at work, she isn’t motivated to go above-and-beyond for a customer. She’s.

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News Flash: The Next Generation Wants Digital Communication


Our world is digital and there’s no getting around it. We trip over it everywhere—people are on their laptops, phones and tablets searching the web, surfing social networks and downloading apps, all while walking down the street. This digital generation is also making strong judgments about the quality of service they’re receiving from brands on these channels.

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What Does it REALLY Mean to Put CX First?

Customer experience was once considered a soft metric, or a “nice to have.” But it is now a board-level priority for many brands. The experience you provide your customers is a defining way to differentiate your business from the competition. But how can you really make CX a priority when you have competing budget and resource constraints? With customer experience automation, organizations can leverage AI and automation to make it faster and cheaper to provide a superior customer experience acro

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The Elusive ROI of Customer Experience

CX Journey

Image courtesy of wallstreetinvestinggroup I originally wrote today's post for Intradiem. It appeared on their blog on January 25, 2016. Have you been able to prove the ROI of focusing on the customer experience to your executives? When you're trying to get executive commitment for your employee and customer experience improvement initiatives, what's the first question they ask?

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The ‘Always On’ Enterprise


For well over 100 years, businesses leaders have made decisions based on what is right for the business. Business profitability first. Everything else second. Why not buy cheap chairs for the restaurant? Why not focus on the efficiency of the call center instead of delivering better customer outcomes? Much of this thinking comes from entrenched […].

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CX Made Habit – CXEvolution

InMoment XI

For years I coached a small group of six- to eight-year-old boys in competitive gymnastics. I’m convinced that this demographic’s energy level is inversely proportional to their attention level, and that the proportion most often sits somewhere around 432/1. Don’t check my stats. Two years ago, one particular group of boys simply would not listen. View Article.

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Killers of Corporate Life

Beyond Philosophy

There are 2 killers of corporate life – speed and politics. Let me give you some background. Before setting up Beyond Philosophy I spent most of my career working in large corporate companies, climbing the ladder of success. I reached the exalted heights of SVP leading a team of 3,500 people globally before I left to start Beyond Philosophy, a customer experience consultancy, back in 2002.

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Navigating the Future: Unveiling Trends and Bold Predictions in Customer Experience

Ready to explore 2024’s CX landscape? Join experts from SMG and guest Forrester as they discuss prominent trends actively shaping the industry and dive into a stack of bold predictions for the year ahead. Will the average customer experience improve? How can leaders leverage their CX metrics to establish financial linkage? What will global firms achieve using customer-facing generative AI?

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Lean and the Customer Experience Journey

CX Journey

Image courtesy of SydesJokes Is your company a lean company? Should it be? The concept of lean management came up a few times in the last week or two; that kind of coincidence always inspire me to write about the topic at hand. So I set out to learn a bit more about it. I knew, conceptually, what it was, but digging deeper makes me think that every customer-centric organization ought to be lean.

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3 Ways to Automate Customer Service with Human Connections

Win the Customer

One of the big challenges for brands using social media for customer service —and also making an effort to proactively reach out to customers with live chat and chatbots on their website—is striking a balance between customer service automation and real human connections. If you’ve ever taken a science class, you’ve probably heard of the triple-beam balance.

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CX Made Habit – CXEvolution

InMoment XI

For years I coached a small group of six- to eight-year-old boys in competitive gymnastics. I’m convinced that this demographic’s energy level is inversely proportional to their attention level, and that the proportion most often sits somewhere around 432/1. Don’t check my stats. Two years ago, one particular group of boys simply would not listen.

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