
12 Plays to Kickstart Your Recruitment Process


Good people are the foundation of any organization. That means placing the right people in the right roles can be the difference between your business growing or stagnating — and the competition is getting fierce. According to Harvard Business Review, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated seismic shifts that were already rocking the talent market. With remote work making white-collar jobs more flexible and talent more mobile, a rebound in hiring meant the race for quality candidates had become even

2021 State of Customer Service Experience Report

The Northridge Group's State of Customer Service Experience report provides a clear message to businesses. Today’s consumers are shopping online more now than ever, but find the service experience inadequate. Report highlights include: Online shopping is the new normal – 68% of customers increased their online shopping during the pandemic and plan to continue this trend post-pandemic. 63% of customers tried digital apps and tools for the first time and 75% will continue to prefer digital apps po

Why Product Led Growth is a Customer Success Responsibility

Vanilla Forums

As the eyes and ears of an organization, Customer Success can drive acquisition, expansion, and retention. But without a clear understanding of a product’s capability, or the value it creates for customers, churn is unavoidable. Customer success should be leading the Product Led Growth (PLG) initiative by adding weight to customer feedback, offering actionable, data-driven insights throughout an organization, and better serving customers.

Customer Education Maturity Model: How Customer Learning Programs Create Value

The Customer Education Maturity Model was developed from an extensive study of the industry, including interviews with leaders in the customer learning space. It delivers a comprehensive guide to moving the needle on your customer learning program. You’ll learn: The roadmap for how superior customer learning programs grow. The common stages – and barriers – of program development.

Discover What Stage Your CE Program is in and the Next Steps for Tomorrow’s Growth

How does your customer education program stack up against industry leaders? Find out in this short Customer Education Maturity Model Self-Assessment checklist which will help you determine which of the 5 maturity stages your program is in today: Step 1: Train Your Customers. Step 2: Build Foundation for Scale. Step 3: Personalize Learning. Step 4: Expand Business Impact.

The Power of Conversation Intelligence


Looking for tools to surface the voice of your customer? Has Conversation Intelligence (CI) been discussed in your organization, but you don’t know where to start? Generally curious about the CI space? This eBook will answer all your questions and more by providing a complete overview of Conversation Intelligence and its importance in Revenue organizations, delivering impact from your Sales Development Representatives all the way to the C-Suite.

12 Tips for Selling to the C-Suite


Members of the C-suite are the key decision-makers when it comes to making major investments in their organizations. That’s why every salesperson’s goal is to make their pitch directly to a senior executive—ideally, sooner rather than later. The question for sales pros is this: Are you ready for the challenge, and opportunity, of selling to the C-suite?

The Difference Between Customer Experience and Customer Feedback

While surveys have formed the backbone of CX efforts for decades, they only account for a small percentage of all customer feedback data available to businesses today. In the age of the omnichannel customer, businesses that over-rely on surveys to fuel modern CX programs are getting left behind. Today, top brands are tapping into the millions of customer conversations happening every day across channels — phone, email, chat, social media, 3rd party review sites — to capture a representative Voic

How Self-Service Can Drive Down Costs and Improve CX

Vanilla Forums

Self-Service can be a polarizing topic. Many people think that self-service is a low-end experience and would much rather offer their customers “personalized attention.”. But those in the know understand that self-service is, in fact, a white glove offering. Best-selling author and customer experience thought leader Blake Morgan has put it all down on paper for you.

3 Reasons Why 93% Of CX Initiatives Fail––And How to Overcome Them

Turning CX program outcomes into measurable business results: It’s the number one challenge facing today’s CX professionals. With most companies slow to adopt a truly customer-centric approach, organizational and technological silos are mostly to blame for the uphill battle. In this ebook, we provide actionable steps you can take today to overcome these internal obstacles to create a unified view of the customer, drive cross-departmental action and connect CX program outcomes to ROI.

Driving Excellence Using Work From Home Agents

If one clear point has emerged in the last couple of years, it is that massive changes are taking place in the CX delivery space. Enterprises no longer need to deliver their services in large facilities and in many locations. Instead, remote work is now mainstream in customer experience management. This practice is providing end-users with the support they need through engaged and motivated agents, building loyalty to your brand, and it will continue to grow in 2022 and beyond.

Stay Ahead of the Game

Want to know where CX is heading in 2022? Check out our 7 key predictions on how CX will evolve over the coming year and beyond. From introducing a fresh approach to capturing insights to outlining new ways to humanize data, these CX predictions are sure to give you lots to think about. Download your copy now!

The State of Customer Success Pt. 1

Vanilla Forums

In conjunction with Gain Grow Retain, we sat down with some of the most influential Customer Success Leaders out there. Together, Vanilla etched out the State of Customer Success in 2022. What does it look like? How can you prepare? Is your Customer Success team as prepared as they should be? This two-part eBook encompasses all the areas of Customer Success set to change this year.

How to Make Every Survey a Top Customer Experience!

We’ve all had surveys that we’d rather forget, and there are so many ways a well-intentioned survey can go terribly wrong. Surveys are an important part of your customer experience, which mean they require the same level of strategy, planning, design, and management that you apply to your most important customer journeys and interactions. To help supercharge your surveys, we’re providing you with the four key elements of a brand-building survey program.

100 Pipeline Plays: The Modern Sales Playbook


Hit your number with 100 Pipeline Plays. For the first time, we’re sharing the winning plays that took us from scrappy startup to a publicly traded company. Use our proven data-driven plays to grow your pipeline and crush your revenue targets. Close more deals with these winning plays! Meet your modern sales playbook - See how high-performing sales and marketing teams increase pipeline year-over-year.

Research Study: Customer Perceptions of the Community Experience

Vanilla Forums

What do consumers expect when it comes to CX? Rather than assume that branded communities meet the expectations of the consumer, we wanted to figure out the “want behind the want” by asking if customer expectations around CX align with community offerings. To answer this, we surveyed more than 600 consumers from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia to gain an understanding of their perceptions of the community experience.

The 2022 State of CX Report

It's been a rough couple of years, especially for customer experience professionals. The pandemic has made an already difficult job harder. From drastic shifts in consumer behavior to unexpected supply chain challenges, the CX landscape has dramatically transformed at an accelerated rate. These changes have left us curious: How exactly has the industry evolved?

Should Loyalty Metrics be Reassessed Post-Pandemic? And What About NPS?

CX pros are examining the impact the pandemic has had on customer expectations and how they might need to modify their CX measurement programs. They wonder: Does Net Promoter Score® (NPS) still have the same predictive power. Do loyalty metrics need to be reassessed? Have the drivers of customer experience changed? After analyzing VOC data from verticals including Financial Services, Healthcare, B2B Services and Technology, we found some interesting answers.