Sat.Sep 07, 2019 - Fri.Sep 13, 2019

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Trust – the embodiment of customer experience


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Hiring People who Smile is One Step in the Right Direction

Ann Michaels and Associates

It takes a mere second and can actually make someone’s day. Smiling is probably the most underrated gesture we can bestow upon one another. Think about how many people you interact with during the day. Or maybe people you just walk by. How easy would it be just to smile at them? You never know what kind of day someone is having so why not try to make it just a little better.


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The Relentless Pursuit Of The Perfect Customer Experience: A Netflix Story


The Relentless Pursuit Of The Perfect Customer Experience: A Netflix Story. by Harry Buckle on 12 Sep 2019. customer experience. Netflix. What can we learn from Netflix's attention to customer experience? Against the odds, Netflix has achieved an astonishing rise. How did we get to spending an evening chilling, 'with Netflix'? Netflix. The ultimate example of a company disrupting an industry with customer experience?

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3 Principles to Get Your Customer Experience “Stop Doing” List Started

Experience Investigators by 360Connext

Ever hear of a “stop doing” list? “Stop doing” lists have become especially popular in recent years. If you’re not familiar, the concept is simple: We all have things on our To-Do list that we really ought to be delegating, ignoring, or ceasing to work on. . Thinking in these terms, here’s a quick list for 3 things to add to your stop doing list.

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3 Ways Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Can Improve Customer Experience

Today’s digitally savvy customers have high expectations of retailers for convenience, responsiveness, and ease of doing business both in-store and online. Our recent survey of over 2,000 US consumers found that retailers that can drive a seamless, omnichannel customer experience (CX) – across physical and digital channels – have huge benefits for brand relevance, profitability, and customer loyalty.

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Acknowledge the Customer: Set the Tone with Your Greeting

Customer Bliss

In my Daily Dose video series, I explore the topics that chief customer officers must grapple with on a daily basis. Join me as I discuss what I’ve learned over the course of my 35-year career, so that you can more effectively do the work that needs to be done. Today’s video is an excerpt from my online course , inspired by my book, Would You Do That To Your Mother?

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EX vs CX and how they need to align


Do unto others…. It’s sweet and simple, but not always applied. Treat others the way you’d like to be treated. In this week’s ‘Sweets of CX’ Podcast , it’s all about the Employee Experience and the direct correlation it has with Customer Experience. And, who better to enlighten us on the topic than Annette Franz – Author, Speaker, Founder/CEO of CX Journey Inc., and this week’s honored guest.

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The 10 Most Important Contact Center RFP Questions [Infographic]


The RFP is the friend you love to hate. The necessary evil. The document that will make or break your decision of which new outsourcer to partner-up with. Listen to the audio or read the article. A generic vendor RFP template may promise to make things easy, but when you’re about to hand over your customer interactions to an outsourced contact center, generic will only make things more difficult.

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How to Reduce the Risk of Response Bias in Your Surveys


Response bias is a problem for anyone undertaking market research. Let’s face it—when you conduct any market research or customer.

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One Great Challenge for Retail Auto in the Next Decade is…Behavior!

InMoment XI

Implementing Cultural Change by Focusing on Impacts to Employee Behavior Retail auto, with few exceptions, is addicted to “transactional” behavior, from front end (showroom) to back (service)…and that behavior will negatively impact virtually every innovative future endeavor. Problem is, most dealer leaders don’t believe it or think they are already delivering a good experience with.

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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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Promises, Promises, Promises.


It’s ALL about keeping promises with CX. And, on this week’s ‘ Sweets of CX’Podcast , Eric Ullman – Customer and Employee Experience Strategist and owner of CX Alchemy – offers some delectable advice on the subject. From starting with a brand’s slogan and setting expectations to LISTENING to (what a concept) and ACTING on (now we’re talking) customer feedback, Eric stresses the importance of alignment – from top to bottom.

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Finding the Right Self-service Mix in Your Contact Center

NICE inContact

Self-service is an important facet for creating a seamless customer experience. From a customer’s perspective they want to receive timely and error-free service in the channel of their choice. For contact centres we know there are cost savings opportunities, as a chat with a live agent can cost $6-12 per interaction, compared to self-service which can cost as little as 25 cents. ( Forrester ).

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Customer Satisfaction Continues Declining

Beyond Philosophy

Customer Satisfaction is Declining in the UK! A new report by the Institute of Customer Service indicates that Customer Satisfaction is declining in the UK. Earlier this year reports from both Nunwood and Forrester, two firms entrenched in the Customer Experience movement, presented similar sentiments. All of this disappointing news about the state of Customer Experience makes one wonder what is going on in business today?

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The CCO’s Checklist: 28 Actions to Take for Customer-Driven Growth

Customer Bliss

Earlier this year, Forrester released its report, The US Customer Experience Index, 2019. Forrester Chief Research Officer Carrie Johnson said , of these findings, “How an experience makes customers feel has a bigger influence on their brand loyalty than any other factor.” And yet, this report found that while 14% of brand scores rose, 5% of scores declined and an incredible 81% stagnated.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Episode 65 – Remember the Customer in Your CX Work

Kristina Evey

Shownotes… You have the best of intentions in providing a product or service your customers will be happy with. Remember … Read More Episode 65 – Remember the Customer in Your CX Work. The post Episode 65 – Remember the Customer in Your CX Work appeared first on Kristina Evey.

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Avoiding the Mounting Contact Center Compliance Squeeze

NICE inContact

Recent analyst research has proven that the job of staying compliant is only getting more difficult for contact centers. With demands ever-increasing, compliance managers and officers are growing more concerned with continuing ensuring contact center compliance while coping with limited budget and resources. Luckily, call center analytics software can help alleviate much of these compliance headaches.

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The 5 Essential Practices for Your Customer Experience

Beyond Philosophy

Because we have frequent thunderstorms and power outages in my Florida home, I recently decided to buy an uninterruptible power supply for my electronics. I’ve had good experiences with Apple products so I first checked to see if Apple made that sort of thing. They didn’t, so I set about comparing and contrasting the models that were available. I quickly got lost in technical specifications, so I decided that I would choose based on how long the power supply would last.

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Customer Self Service – What the Future Holds


More companies than ever are tapping into the power of AI customer service technologies to enhance efficiency and positively impact the lives of consumers, and with good reason. Research indicates that by implementing AI in their customer-facing operations, companies can expect to save approximately 30 billion customer service hours and realize $8B in savings thanks to customer self service.

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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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That “Something Extra” You Offer to Make Customers Love You


In the realm of business—and especially customer service—we often talk about how to differentiate yourself from your competition. It’s those companies that manage to stand out from the crowd that end up being successful. When I work with companies, I urge them to find what makes them unique and use it as a competitive advantage. It’s always a treat when I meet people who not only agree with my philosophies but take them a step further.

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Great Customer Experience has the Power to Accelerate Growth

NICE inContact

Markets and opportunities move fast. Great Customer Experience has the power to accelerate growth as consumers have more power than ever before. Social media accelerates the flow of information and gives everyone a voice. Technology all but makes time and place irrelevant by providing anytime, anywhere access to almost anything. If any organization is perceived as being too hard to work with, then it’s all too easy move on to another company.

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Is Any Attention Good Attention?

Beyond Philosophy

Is Any Attention Good Attention? I like Oscar Wilde. His best quote is, “There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.” Of course, there are times when people are talking so bad, one might wonder if it is worse than being ignored. This episode of The Intuitive Customer explores if there are times when the bad press can be good news for your brand.

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Why Spirit Airlines’ and Ryan Air’s Customer Experience is Better than Yours

Heart of the Customer

I’m partway through a European holiday with my wife, celebrating 25 years of marriage. Okay, actually 26, but that’s a different story. When a friend heard we were flying Ryan Air, she told me, “Uh oh. Pay attention to the experience you receive.” Interested, I did pay attention. And I realized that Ryan Air probably […]. The post Why Spirit Airlines’ and Ryan Air’s Customer Experience is Better than Yours appeared first on Heart of the Customer.

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What Does it REALLY Mean to Put CX First?

Customer experience was once considered a soft metric, or a “nice to have.” But it is now a board-level priority for many brands. The experience you provide your customers is a defining way to differentiate your business from the competition. But how can you really make CX a priority when you have competing budget and resource constraints? With customer experience automation, organizations can leverage AI and automation to make it faster and cheaper to provide a superior customer experience acro

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Guest Blog: 7 Ways to Enhance Your Customer Experience with Live Chat


This week we feature an article by Hamzah Tariq who shares seven ways to improve the overall live chat experience for your customers. Businesses constantly try to improve the customer experience they deliver through new approaches, tools and strategies. . One of the most successful ways to enhance the customer experience is through live chat. However, there’s always room for improvement in how customers are engaged via chat. .

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4 Ways to Utilize Social Customer Service Agents More Effectively

NICE inContact

Everyone is talking about removing siloes these days and trying to find practical ways of blending marketing and social customer service. Of course, it’s important to realize these departments overlap, in part because great customer service stories go viral and make brands stand out as reliable, responsive and fun to interact with. In short, social customer service is the new marketing.

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The Key to Cultivating Loyalty Part 2: Designing Great Experiences


Your source for the best knowledge on collecting data to drive business improvements.

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10 Chat Support Job Responsibilities: What You Need to Know About Providing Live Chat Support to Your Customers


Mobile devices have changed consumer’s daily habits. Millennials spend an average of 5.7 hours on mobile devices with Generation Z averaging 11 hours according to ZDNet. Mobile devices are used for media consumption, communication, and entertainment. With mobile becoming the centerpiece, it makes sense that customer support has adopted available channels and continues to modernize customer expectations.

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Navigating the Future: Unveiling Trends and Bold Predictions in Customer Experience

Ready to explore 2024’s CX landscape? Join experts from SMG and guest Forrester as they discuss prominent trends actively shaping the industry and dive into a stack of bold predictions for the year ahead. Will the average customer experience improve? How can leaders leverage their CX metrics to establish financial linkage? What will global firms achieve using customer-facing generative AI?

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Amazing Business Radio with Steve Farber


Love in Business. Doing What You Love in the Service of Customers Who Love What You Do. Shep Hyken interviews Steve Farber. They discuss how to implement love into every aspect of your business to drive customer success. The Interview with Steve Farber: Even if you love what you do, there will still be days that feel like work. You must do the necessary things you dislike in order to be able to do the things you love in your business.

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How to Write a User Research Plan That Sets Your Project Up for Success

dscout People Nerds

Some logistical headaches are inevitable. Many can be relieved with a well-structured, well-written, research plan. Here’s a go-to reference for crafting one effectively.

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DataStax Proxy for DynamoDB™ and Apache Cassandra™ – Preview


Yesterday at ApacheCon, our very own Patrick McFadin announced the public preview of an open source tool that enables developers to run their AWS DynamoDB workloads on Apache Cassandra. With the DataStax Proxy for DynamoDB and Cassandra, developers can run DynamoDB workloads outside of AWS (including on premises, in other clouds, and in hybrid configurations).

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