Thu.Oct 22, 2020

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Why Customer Experience? Why Now?

Forrester's Customer Insights

One of the things I was most looking forwards to in 2020 as I returned to focus on our European consumer research was CX EMEA. I’ve always enjoyed Forrester events, both as a customer more than a decade ago, as an analyst presenting, and as a research director acting as MC. It’s a chance to […].

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How Understanding Shoppers Can Save Retail


We need to better understand shoppers. Why? Because retail is in crisis. Investment in brick-and-mortar stores has declined 30% in the US and a staggering 50% in Europe. In the UK 50,000 of the 500,000+, high street stores are empty , that’s a whopping 10%. But that level can even be higher, double or triple that in some parts of the country. The government in the UK upped its rescue fund to a billion pounds and slashed its rates in the hope of lowering rents last year.

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The Pivot to 100% Remote Training in the Contact Center


When the world hit the pause button in the face of COVID-19, putting our client’s customer care programs on hold wasn’t an option. Days before lockdown became mandatory in the regions where we operate, we were in full swing making the move to a 95% work-at-home model for our entire business. Our mission was clear and concise: stay operational and deliver on our KPIs while keeping our people safe.

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Be True To Yourself and Your Business – Tip #21

Steve DiGioia

We face many distractions and obstacles in our day-to-day lives so it’s not worth the effort to be something you are not. Eventually, your true self will come out. When it does, and if you are not showing desirable traits, you will be shunned for being “fake” Here is how to be true to yourself and your business. We are who we are – until we’re not.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Small Things That Have a Dramatic Impact on Your Customer’s Experience

Beyond Philosophy

Oscar Wilde’s famous quip shapes my marketing philosophy, “There is only one thing worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.” One of the reasons the brilliant quote rings true is because of the concept of Priming. When you bring attention to things, it influences how people act upon them. Priming activates some part of our mind, and that’s enough to produce this response out of us.

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Beyond Omnichannel: How 3 Brands Deliver State-of-the-Art CX for Modern Consumers


Omnichannel was never supposed to be just about your agents. Sure, your customer service agents need to be able to switch seamlessly from chat to voice and have all customer information in one easily accessible location. But omnichannel was always supposed to unify the customer journey, too. Improving the customer experience isn’t just a product of your agents having everything in one dashboard; it’s customers transitioning from chatting with your agent to speaking with them over the phone—witho

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Gainsters of Gainsight: Meet Minh Phan, Senior Director of Product Management


1. Tell us a bit about yourself and what your role is at Gainsight. I’m responsible for Product Management and Technical Communications. As one team, we provide relevant guidance to users when they need it, whether it is through documentation or inside the product. With a finance background, I am focused on developing our Revenue Optimization solutions, which connects Customer Success to revenue. . 2.

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Key Takeaways From the Kustomer NOW Conference


On Wednesday October 21st, thousands of CX leaders around the globe gathered (virtually and socially distanced!) to learn about the modern customer experience, and have some fun in the process. Attendees were able to gather insights from the brightest minds in the CX space, hearing perspectives from those that are not often heard from, and networking with their peers.

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3 Tips for Dealing with Community Trolls

Vanilla Forums

Your community is humming along, and all of a sudden, an individual joins who takes personal pleasure in disrupting your community. It may be inflammatory remarks, attacking others for no reason, or simply taking an extreme contrarian view on every topic to drive everyone nuts. Unfortunately, it also means your community may have a troll problem. Civility and logic pretty much go out the window with trolls.

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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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Beyond Omnichannel: How 3 Brands Deliver State-of-the-Art CX for Modern Consumers


Omnichannel was never supposed to be just about your agents. Sure, your customer service agents need to be able to switch seamlessly from chat to voice and have all customer information in one easily accessible location. But omnichannel was always supposed to unify the customer journey, too. Improving the customer experience isn’t just a product of your agents having everything in one dashboard; it’s customers transitioning from chatting with your agent to speaking with them over the phone—witho

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Apple Maps reviews: What you need to know


If you own an iPhone, you probably know about Apple Maps, the default map application for iOs. Just like other map applications like Google Maps and Waze, Apple Maps features reviews and ratings for businesses. Currently, Apple gets this data from third-party review providers like Yelp and TripAdvisor. If an Apple Maps user clicks on business reviews, they’ll then be taken to these third-party apps.

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A Few Free CX Events to Put On Your Calendar


It's hard to believe that November is right around the corner already! Before your calendars fill up, we wanted to share some great, accessible and free upcoming events you might want to add to your schedule that could serve you on your mission to up-level contact center operations, help with migration projects, and ultimately improve the quality of your customer experience.

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Retail Library bo


Optimove Resources. Your browser does not support the video tag. Your browser does not support the video tag. eBooks. Use Cases. Customer Stories. Webinars. Learning Center. Filter by type: View All. eBooks. Use Cases. Customer Stories. Webinars. Learning Center. eBooks, Guides & More. A Better Way to Define your VIPs – A Step-by-Step Guide. Guide: Why Gaming Operators Need Lifecycle Marketing.

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Reimagine Your Communications With A Unified Platform

Cut complexity and boost efficiency while empowering your customers with Nextiva's unified communications platform. Nextiva streamlines workflows and centralizes customer interactions, all while simplifying business collaboration, increasing productivity, and reducing employee burnout.

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Escalation Management Framework Techniques to Put into Action Now


When operating within a customer-centered economy , maintaining client satisfaction is an absolute necessity—a fact that’s been made all the more true thanks to today’s increasingly digitized business landscape. As communication becomes more fast-paced, client expectations for timely, personalized responses to their issues have risen as well. Customers want to feel valued, and if a company is not meeting their need for conflict-resolution, it can lead to dissatisfaction, and eventually, ca

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Gaming Library mo


Optimove Resources. Your browser does not support the video tag. Your browser does not support the video tag. eBooks. Use Cases. Customer Stories. Webinars. Learning Center. Filter by type: View All. eBooks. Use Cases. Customer Stories. Webinars. Learning Center. eBooks, Guides & More. A Better Way to Define your VIPs – A Step-by-Step Guide. Guide: Why Gaming Operators Need Lifecycle Marketing.

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Managing Customer Expectations Like a Pro with Mike Miller and Vikas Bhambri


Listen and subscribe to our podcast: In this episode of the Customer Service Secrets Podcast , Gabe Larsen is joined by two CX leaders, Michael Miller and Vikas Bhambri, to discuss managing customer expectations during a global pandemic. Both Michael and Vikas have had to adapt their teams to the new CX issues spawning from the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn how these leaders have successfully managed customer delivery expectations during COVID-19 by listening to the podcast below.

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Advantages of Customer Feedback Software for Retail Industry

Zonka Feedback

In today's world, success of a retail business revolves around these questions: Are the products which customers are looking for available at your retail store? Is your retail staff supportive and welcoming for the customers? Are your prices competitive in the market? Are your return and exchange policies fair and helpful for the customers?

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11 Tips to Drive Learning Content Consumption

Unlock the full potential of your educational initiatives with the 11 Tips to Drive Learning Content Consumption eBook. You’ll uncover: Why measure content consumption rather than (or in addition to) completion rates and member satisfaction? What are some proven tactics to create quality learner content and raise your content consumption rates? Discover the secrets from leading experts in the field, distilled into practical tips that promise to elevate the quality of your educational offerings,

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CX University Announces Partnership with Moravian College

CX University

CX and PX Training Gives Graduate Credits. BETHLEHEM, PA, October 22, 2020: Today, CX University (CXU) and Moravian College jointly announce the launch of their partnership to award graduate college credits for successful completion of CXU Online Courses in Customer and Patient Experience. CXU offers fully online courses in Customer Experience (CX) that teach the 6-pillars of CX.

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7 Jobs that Won’t be Automated


1. Teachers | 2. Healthcare Employees | 3. Management-Level Employees | 4. Lawyers |. 5. Counselors/Psychologists | 6. Creative Professionals | 7. Systems Analysts. Automation is a practice that comes with a substantial amount of utility. For many small businesses, even automating menial tasks can significantly improve productivity and overall revenue.

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Top 12 tools for Product Managers


If management is an art, then product managers are the Picasso of it! Why are we saying this? Well, a product manager has to manage many aspects as a daily routine. They are responsible for allocating resources, meeting deadlines, evaluating tasks, and managing a team. Product management is all about efficiency and multitasking. And product manager tools are your armor.

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3 Considerations Before Building Customer Success Software In-House


If you’re thinking of building a Customer Success platform in-house, there’s a few things you ought to know. But first, let’s address the elephant in the article by acknowledging that we’re a software company that is making a one-sided argument in favor of buying. This may seem self-serving, but we promise our intentions are pure. Our goal is to bring awareness to the building considerations that are often overlooked or inaccurately weighed during the cost-benefit analysis of a build-or-buy deci

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How Retailers Are Transforming Customer Experiences with Data & AI

Speaker: David Azoulay, Marc Stracuzza, Román Tejada, and Guest Speaker Sucharita Kodali

Imagine a retail landscape where every interaction is personalized, every decision informed, and every opportunity maximized 🤔✨ Join us for an exploratory journey into the heart of AI-driven retail innovation. We’ll unveil the transformative potential of AI and data analytics in shaping the future of omnichannel personalization and e-commerce.

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3 Steps to Creating a Renewal Process and Retention in Your Customer Base


In the current, increasingly complex economic situation, many CFOs , and others in the organization are reviewing key metrics—particularly Cost of Retention and Customer Acquisition Cost. According to research , a modest bump of 5% improvement in retention can result in anywhere from 25% – 95% increase in profits. In these uncertain times, those stats are not to be taken lightly. .

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Desktops, Dashboards and Human Centred Design

CSM Magazine

Getting the user experience right will protect your investment in tech and keep agents happy and productive. Caroline Handyside, Product Designer at Cirrus explains. A product that is easy and intuitive to use, that guides contact centre agents through the myriad of different calls they make and take in a day, will help to keep employees motivated and engaged.

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Post-Pandemic, The 2020s Will Require A New Enterprise Tech Strategy

Forrester's Customer Insights

If the rest of the decade is anything like 2020, tech leaders are in for quite the ride. With an overnight forced migration to all things digital and virtual, projects that previously took two years were rolled out in two months — or even two weeks. CIOs and their digital and business colleagues have been […].

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3 Spooky Email Click Bots to Beware Of


Bots are a well-known scourge on Twitter and Facebook , but they’re also a problem on email lists. Even bots that aren’t explicitly trying to compromise your systems represent a serious risk, as they can inflate performance numbers, muddy targeting efforts, and lead brands to make tactical or strategic changes that serve bots rather than human subscribers.

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10 Questions to Ask Before Buying an LMS

Find your perfect LMS. Choosing the right Learning Management System (LMS) is crucial for your business's success. With so many options available in the market, how do you ensure you make the best choice? This guide is your key to finding the ideal enterprise learning platform for your business. Compiled by industry experts, these questions will help to clarify your needs, prioritize your most essential features, and guide you through the evaluation process.

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Cognitive AI Chatbots are enabling communication (and e-commerce) to revert back to its roots: Conversations

CX Ahead

This was originally written during my tenure at Yellow Messenger, a cutting-edge conversational AI platform. In its 5 million years of existence on Earth, humankind has radically transformed, at an ever-increasing pace. It is generally acknowledged that we have transformed our lives more in the last 100 years than we have over all those millions […].

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Key Takeaways From the Kustomer NOW Conference


On Wednesday October 21st, thousands of CX leaders around the globe gathered (virtually and socially distanced!) to learn about the modern customer experience, and have some fun in the process. Attendees were able to gather insights from the brightest minds in the CX space, hearing perspectives from those that are not often heard from, and networking with their peers.

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VIDEO: How Social Media Took Over the Call Center


This is First Contact: Stories of the Call Center. In episode 10, Christian had a cool chat with Shep Hyken about customer service, support, and experience. As Chief Amazement Officer of his own company for 35 years, Shep's brimming with invaluable advice for service & support call centers! The post VIDEO: How Social Media Took Over the Call Center appeared first on NobelBiz®.