Feb 5, 2020

Read Time 3 min

5 Reasons Why You Should Submit a Speaking Proposal for BIG RYG


The Call for Speakers is OPEN for all 2020 BIG RYG Speaking Opportunities!

When developing sessions for BIG RYG, our primary goal is to – Speak Simply, Be Real and Challenge the Audience. We want to have fun while keeping gimmicks to a minimum. We aim to help CS professionals excel in their career and understand what it takes to deliver exceptional ongoing customer value at all levels of your organization.

BIG RYG is anything but your typical Customer Success conference, and that’s why we’re looking for speakers that will help us address the most current, relevant, and emerging Customer Success topics.

Think you have what it takes to wow our crowd of Customer Success professionals? We want to hear from you!

Here are five reasons why you should submit a proposal to speak at BIG RYG.

  • Become Visible – As Customer Success is still an emerging discipline the industry is hungry for best practices, thought leadership, and lessons learned. So now is the time to elevate your presence in the space and become a known Customer Success leader.
  • Explore a Topic – The best way to learn something is to teach it. Preparing for your session will give you the opportunity to really dive deep into a topic and sort through your thoughts, experiences and devote time to more research.
  • Contribute to the Community – Conferences are a way for the industry to come together and find solutions to common challenges that benefit the industry as a whole. The exchange of ideas that conferences facilitate help to move companies and industries forward – and speakers have a critical role to play in that.
  • Polish Your Presentation Skills– Presentation skills do not just come naturally. You will have to practice many times before you can feel at home on a stage. So, although it can seem like a big leap to go from a conference attendee to a conference speaker, you have to start some time.
  • Speaking Comes with Perks – Speakers get to enjoy all the benefits of the entire conference without paying the full attendance fee (speakers receive a 50% discount). Not bad for preparing and delivering a presentation on a topic you already know. Plus, speakers get the opportunity to catch up with colleagues and meet new partners in business.

Interested in being a presenter or panelist at our BIG RYG conference in Washington, D.C. this upcoming October? Read more about our call for speakers here.

Don’t wait too long- the call for speakers closes Friday, February 28, 11:55 PM EST.

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