Mar 3, 2022

Read Time 4 min

Top 5 Customer Success resources


customer success resources

As Customer Success professionals you might find yourself building out something completely new at your organization, or just trying to break the status quo on what’s been done in order to help drive growth and expansion for your SaaS organization. All of these things are hard. That’s why its useful to look to others in the industry to provide advice and resources to guide you along the way.

To help do just that, we have proudly built an expansive library of Customer Success Resources on our site. But even that might seem overwhelming. So, we’re writing this post to make it even easier for you.

In this article you will find a roundup of the top five Customer Success resources brought to you by ChurnZero. This list is ordered by popularity based on the number of engagements with each content piece.

Top five Customer Success resources brought to you by ChurnZero

1.) How to crush SaaS customer onboarding: a roundup of expert advice

SaaS onboarding makes or breaks your customer retention. It’s a learn-or-churn, adopt-or-get dropped experience for users. For this reason, everyone is trying to crack the code on how to create the optimal onboarding experience. Exactly how you get customers to embrace your product instead of merely moving (erm, politely pushing) them through the motions and hoping for adoption? That’s what we set out to ask the Customer Success experts.

Download this eBook to learn how to crust your SaaS Customer Onboarding.


2.) Churn monster playbook: your definitive guide to fighting customer churn

If you are responsible for Customer Success in your subscription model company, you have monsters in your closet. These churn monsters take big bites out of your customer base. Even superior products and smart growth strategies can be killed by out-of-control churn monsters. Fortunately, you don’t need to be powerless in the face of this scary threat.

In this playbook, we catalog the fifteen common monsters that attack customer retention. For each churn monster, we give a description of what its churn risk looks like, so you can easily identify it within your customer accounts. We also give you actionable tips to help you combat each churn monsters, and insight into how ChurnZero can help.

Download this playbook now to learn how to fight customer churn.


3.) The ultimate guide to Customer Success in SaaS: the essential handbook for building the modern Customer Success program

The SaaS business model, which runs on recurring revenue, needs Customer Success to survive. As such, people are looking for answers on how to nail their Customer Success initiatives. Whether you’re finding yourself asking “what is Customer Success?” or you’re a seasoned practitioner, this resource is for you.

In this guide, we distill down the vast learnings, expertise, and experience that our team of CS executives and professionals have amassed over a decade of working in various roles in the industry.

Download this guide to learn everything you need to know about the Customer success function.


4.) 2021 Customer Success leadership study

This is our latest annual survey brought to you by your Customer Success friends at ChurnZero, ESG, and Higher Logic.

After analyzing hundreds of survey responses and consulting our team of Customer Success experts, to distill the data into their top conclusions and recommendations, we surfaces four key focus areas for Customer Success.

Get access to the survey results here to understand the influence CS has within SaaS organizations today.


5.) Customer Success maturity model: know where you stand

In the rapidly maturing field of Customer Success, if you don’t stop to take stock of the strategy, processes, people, and technology that guide you, it’s easy to lose sight of where you are, and more importantly, where you’re headed.

This assessment model will help find out where you stand relative to your peers so you can keep progressing in the right direction and level up to the next stage of Customer Success maturity.

Download this Customer Success maturity model now.

P.S. We also have an interactive tool version of this maturity model.


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