Avangrid wins SECC’s 2024 Best Practices Award in the Cultural Transformation Category

By Kate Devitt on

Exciting news: Avangrid has been selected as the winner for SECC’s 2024 Best Practices Award in the Cultural Transformation category! This award recognizes Avangrid’s shift toward customer-centricity by developing new organizational philosophies, strategies, and metrics for customer success. 

Avangrid has brought together previously separated teams and functions— including Product, Marketing, IT, Design, Software Engineering, and Strategy— under one organizational structure named the Digital Center of Excellence (COE). The Digital COE represents the first-of-its-kind business unit for Avangrid. 

The creation of the Digital COE has enabled Avangrid to begin delivering better customer experiences through digital journeys,  which is making a meaningful difference in customers’ satisfaction.

With Digital COE, Avangrid was able to deliver efficient customer solutions at a greater scale than the previously distinct teams were able to achieve. Now, half a year since the formation of the Digital COE, its impact is proving that breaking down barriers between functions and teams results in cultural transformation that accelerates the pace of change. With the majority of customer interactions occurring through digital channels, the Digital COE is mission-critical to achieving Avangrid’s customer satisfaction goals.

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