Feb 16, 2024

Read Time 3 min

8 tips for encouraging your team to write content for your customer community


This is a guest post by Shauna McClemens, community strategist, Higher Logic Vanilla.

Creating a steady stream of engaging content for a customer community can be a daunting task, especially when you’re relying on your team to contribute.

Speaking from my experience as a community strategist, I’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t. In the beginning, I would raise content requests in big team meetings and send out mass messages on Slack. However, these approaches were mostly met with silence, leaving me feeling like I was talking into a void.

Then, something clicked.

How I got my team to create high-quality content for our customer community.

I changed my strategy, and the results were dramatic. Our team’s involvement in the customer community went from practically non-existent to full engagement. Here are the lessons I’ve learned.

1: Build a content calendar.

Organize your content strategy into a community content calendar using a project management tool like Monday.com, or even a simple spreadsheet like Excel or Google Sheets. Set a consistent posting cadence and stick to it. This helps keep track of what needs to be published and when.

2: Make a direct request.

Instead of extending blanket requests in large meetings or group messages, approach individuals directly. This one-on-one interaction is more personal, making it more likely for team members to respond positively. If you’re new to the team, step out of your comfort zone and try to build relationships quickly.

3: Be specific about what you want.

Asking someone to “just post” can be overwhelming and leaves them unsure of how to start. It’s more effective to give explicit instructions, like asking Cara the CSM to create a “Tip Tuesday” post on a set date. Structured prompts provide clear guidance and expectations.

4: Play to each contributor’s strengths.

When inviting someone to contribute to the community, tie the request to their areas of expertise to boost their confidence. Many may feel unqualified, especially without a writing background, and fear they don’t fit the typical profile of contributors. However, those in roles like customer success have valuable insights from their interactions with customers. Highlighting their existing skills helps encourage them to participate and create relevant content.

5: Offer support along the way.

Assist team members with proofreading or writing content. Tools like Grammarly or ChatGPT can be great aids in this process. This supportive approach helps ease mental blocks, build team confidence, and increase overall content quality.

6: Use analytics to inform content ideas.

Review your community analytics to pinpoint the type of content that captures your audience’s attention. Look for patterns such as which community posts garner the most interaction or what topics are frequently searched by users. Use this data to compile a roster of potential content ideas.

You don’t have to deploy all your ideas right away. Instead, store them as a go-to resource for when you’re mapping out your content schedule. This strategy guarantees that you always have a well-stocked arsenal of topics that align with your audience’s interests.

7: Give old materials a new life.

Take stock of existing resources that you can repurpose for your community. For instance, transform your release notes into engaging posts. Since release notes tend to be technical and dry, focus on the most noteworthy updates and highlight their benefits. Explain to your customers how these new features and improvements can improve their experience with your product using real-world examples.

8: Treat your community differently from a blog.

Create content that informs but also sparks discussions and encourages interaction among members. Don’t worry about having all the answers; ask your community for their thoughts. How are they using a certain feature? What are their tricks for tackling a new concept or challenge? You’ll be amazed at what you can learn from everyone’s shared wisdom—I know I always am.

Ready to make your team shine in your customer community?

Transforming your team’s approach to content creation marks a journey toward developing a vibrant and engaged customer community. Creating great content starts with a personal touch. Discover your team’s talents, guide them with kindness and clarity, and make them feel supported. By adopting these strategies, you can unlock your team’s potential and turn content creation from a chore into an opportunity for growth and connection.

For strategies on how to spark engagement in your community, watch my webinar, “Reviving a community to support your customer success team below.” During the Q&A session, I cover tips for announcing a community’s launch, ways to bulk up community content when starting from scratch, and more.



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