Dec 28, 2018

Read Time 3 min

2018 in Review: ChurnZero’s Top 10 Blog Posts of the Year


2018 top blog posts for churnzero

This has been quite a year for the ChurnZero blog. We’ve published +60 posts on a variety of Customer Success related topics like customer churn, product adoption, customer journeys and more. We even got a shout out from HubSpot as a top blog you should be reading in 2018. (Yay!)

As the year comes to a close, we thought we’d offer up a useful roundup of our ten most popular blog posts from the year.

1.) 10 Punny Customer Success Jokes

Everyone needs a laugh every now and, then right? Check out this blog post to read ten Customer Success jokes that only a CSM would get.

2.) 5 TED Talks that Translate to Customer Success

Just as we could all use a laugh, we could all also benefit from some motivation to start off the new year strong. This blog post compiles a set of five TED Talks that we found to be inspiring that can help guide you in your Customer Success roles.

3.) Breaking Down the Ultimate Question: NPS

This post breaks down everything you would ever want to know about Net Promoter Score (NPS) from, how to calculate loyalty, why the score matters, and the characteristics of each of the three categories of survey respondents. If you are thinking about implementing or optimizing an NPS program this is a must read.

4.) 5 Questions to Kickstart Your Customer On-Boarding

When a new customer is assigned to you it’s important to get things started on the right foot and make a good first impression. Check out this post to get a list of five questions you should be asking on your customer kick-off calls.

5.) Strategies for an Effective Partnership Between Customer Success & Sales – Part 1

The handoff of a new customer between Sales and Customer Success is critical moment in the customer lifecycle. But for many organizations, this transfer of customer knowledge is a disorganized mess, lacking clear requirements and fraught with tension. Read part one of this post to understand the importance of the handoff, how to purposefully reset the relationship, and changes to better align Sales and CS.

6.) Strategies for an Effective Partnership Between Customer Success & Sales – Part 2

This post continues on from the topic above. Part two of the series discusses how to shift from customer handoffs to knowledge transfers and prioritize bi-directional feedback loops with the information that is being collected during the transfer.

7.) Churn Monster: Slacker Customer

A slacker customer is someone who could receive value from your offerings but is unwilling to put in the effort to either get started or continue using your products or services. Read this post to take a look at a scenario involving a slacker customer and how you might successfully overcome this churn monster.

8.) Churn Monster: Disengaged Customer

This is an installment of our churn monster series, that focuses on a disengaged customer. A disengaged customer is someone that used to care about their progress but no longer does. As a result, they have stopped taking part in day-to-day activities. Check out this post to see how to successfully re-engage with a customer.

9.) Customer Experience & Customer Success: Are they the same?

These days there’s a lot of discussion about both Customer Success and Customer Experience. This post will set you clear on the definitions of each and go into how they are different as well as what are some of their similarities between the two practices.

10.) Customer Success Metrics that Matter

Everyone wants to know about which metrics really matter in their industry. This post takes a look at eight different metrics that you should be tracking that have to do with revenue, product usage, and customer sentiment.

We hope you enjoy the blog posts on this list and that you start off the new year strong!


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