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2024 Marketing Fatigue Insights

Report reveals that 81% of consumers unsubscribe from brands that inundate them with excessive marketing messages

Re-engage your churned customers with this guide

Why it Matters:

The 2024 Optimove Insights Report on Marketing Fatigue provides crucial insights for marketers. With rising unsubscribes due to message overload, balancing relevance and personalization is vital to avoid fatigue. Embracing these strategies fosters meaningful connections akin to skilled salespeople.

Key takeaways:
  1. Excessive and irrelevant marketing messages overwhelm consumers, leading to increased unsubscribes. 
  1. Prioritizing relevance and personalization in marketing enhances engagement and retention. 
  1. Successful marketing starts by understanding and prioritizing individual customer needs, resembling exceptional salesmanship. 

Optimove Insights, the analytical and research arm of Optimove, has released its latest report titled “The 2024 Optimove Insights Report on Marketing Fatigue: Consumer Perspectives,” based on a consumer survey conducted in January 2024. 

The survey and report delve into consumer attitudes toward marketing fatigue, providing essential insights for brands navigating the ever-evolving marketing landscape. 
Marketing fatigue occurs when consumers feel overwhelmed by the volume or repetition of brand messages, leading to reduced engagement and negative perceptions. It’s caused by excessive emails, repetitive ads, or too many promotions, prompting consumers to tune out or unsubscribe. 

Survey highlights: 

  • Eighty-one Percent (81%) unsubscribe from brands that inundate them with excessive communications, emphasizing the importance of striking a balance between staying top-of-mind and respecting consumer boundaries.

Fifty-five percent (55%) of respondents want fewer messages from the brand they subscribe to.

How to prevent churn and reactivate customer

How To Avoid Marketing Fatigue?  

To avoid overwhelming and alienating customers, marketers must prioritize personalization and relevance in their outreach efforts. This entails: 

  1. Understanding customers’ preferences and aversions. 
  1. Anticipating when customers require assistance and delivering it in their preferred manner. 
  1. Striving to aid rather than annoy customers. 

Effective marketing hinges on personalized interactions tailored to each customer’s behaviors and feedback rather than generic campaigns. By leveraging AI and comprehensive customer data, marketers can emulate the finesse of a skilled salesperson, providing timely and pertinent messaging while respecting boundaries.  

To download the report on consumer perspectives on marketing fatigue and see the detailed strategies and recommendations proposed for brands to enhance their marketing, go here (link). 

Data and Methodology:  

The 2024 Optimove Insights Report on Marketing Fatigue, Consumer Perspectives queried 305 U.S. citizens in January 2024. Respondents were 18-plus, 49% male and 51% female (no respondents were non-binary or declined to answer). Household incomes were $75,000-plus. 

The Guide to Re-Engaging Lapsed Customers

Identify at-risk and lapsed customers and bring them back with this guide.

In Summary

To download the report on consumer perspectives on marketing fatigue and see the detailed strategies and recommendations proposed for brands to enhance their marketing, go here

For more insights on how to benefit, contact us at 

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Rony Vexelman

Rony Vexelman is Optimove’s VP of Marketing. Rony leads Optimove’s marketing strategy across regions and industries. Previously, Rony was Optimove's Director of Product Marketing leading product releases, customer marketing efforts and analyst relations. Rony holds a BA in Business Administration and Sociology from Tel Aviv University and an MBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management.