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3 Tips for Scaling Your Social Gaming App

Recent shifts in data privacy regulations make it more challenging for marketing teams to acquire new users

Up your mobile marketing game with this guide

Why It Matters:

New data privacy regulations have made user acquisition in the social gaming market more difficult than ever before. Marketers must employ innovative Customer-Led Marketing strategies to attract new users, enhance their gaming experience, and boost revenue.  

The Big Picture: 

The rules are always changing when it comes to advertising in the social gaming space. Thanks to recent shifts in data privacy regulations, including Apple’s app tracking transparency (ATT) and identifier for advertisers (IDFA) changes, the need for innovative, Customer-Led Marketing strategies has never been more urgent. If you’re struggling to launch successful player acquisition campaigns and scale your social gaming app, here are three tips to help you get your business back on track. 

1. Embrace Predictive Modeling to Foster Loyalty and Grow Revenue 

Leveraging predictive model attributes makes it easy to craft personalized experiences that resonate with individual players, fostering loyalty and revenue growth simultaneously. Predictive modeling empowers marketing teams to identify potential customers with precision — imagine quickly connecting with users who are not just likely to download your app but are also inclined to engage and make in-app purchases. 

For example, with Optimove’s predictive modeling, you can precisely pinpoint players most likely to make hard purchases (real-money transactions spent on products) or soft purchases (in-game transactions made with virtual currency). This nuanced understanding enables you to trigger tailored marketing messages, such as exclusive in-game bonuses or limited-time offers, enticing players to engage and spend more.  

2. Optimize Player Interaction with Holistic Insights 

By collaborating with LiveOps teams, you can ensure every player interaction is optimized. You can harness real-time, in-game data — a goldmine of player behavior — to help inform your acquisition strategies. Targeted campaigns can be precisely tailored to individual player segments, ensuring you’re not just acquiring new players but the right new players — those likely to engage deeply and contribute significantly to your app’s revenue streams.  

Remember, CRM (Customer Relationship Marketing) marketing tools like Optimove are not solely for retention. They can also be leveraged to enhance the entire gaming ecosystem. Teaming up with LiveOps can provide insights that will do wonders for your UA strategy, resulting in a player experience that resonates with your audience, maximizes your app’s potential, and grows. 

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3.  Drive Revenue Growth and Player Satisfaction with Smart Control Groups and Self-Optimizing Campaigns 

Constant improvement is the key to sustained growth in the ever-changing world of social gaming apps. With regular creative testing, you’ll gain valuable insights into player preferences that enable you to refine game mechanics, rewards, and in-app purchases. 

In addition to traditional A/B testing, you can leverage more sophisticated tools like smart control groups and self-optimizing campaigns, which have testing capabilities built in. A Digital Platform Experience (DXP) like Optimove’s Opti-X allows you to meticulously analyze player interactions, fine-tuning your gaming app based on real-time feedback. 

In Summary 

Stringent data privacy regulations have made player acquisition in the social gaming market more difficult. But armed with technology and the right strategies and tactics, you can still win new customers and turn them into lifetime players. Embracing predictive models, collaborating with LiveOps, and employing intelligent testing and optimization strategies can help you scale your app effectively, attracting valuable players and maximizing their lifetime value. 

For more insights on how to use Customer-Led Marketing techniques to scale your social gaming apps, contact us.  

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Rob Wyse

Rob Wyse is Senior Director of Communications at Optimove. As a communications consultant, he has been influential in changing public opinion and policy to drive market opportunity. Example issues he has worked on include climate change, healthcare reform, homeland security, cloud transformation, AI, and other timely issues.