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ChurnZero HubSpot Integration: Benefits and automations

Jan 27, 2022

Read Time 5 min

Reducing Churn at Scale Using the ChurnZero Integration with HubSpot


Reducing churn is at the forefront of all marketers’ minds. 82% of marketers say that “active customer retention” is one of the most important objectives for their CRM team, leading many Marketing and Customer Success team members to seek out new ways to understand customer pain points and improve the customer experience.

From a Customer Success and Marketing perspective, optimizing the customer experience might look like exploring support tickets, talking to customers, and running reports on recently churned customers to find out why. This can be manual and biased, leading teams to the wrong conclusions about what needs to change.

In a world where every Sales, Marketing, and Customer Service interaction is collected as a data point using software like HubSpot, reducing customer churn has become a science. What does the data show about common reasons customers churn? How can teams use that data to get smarter about predicting customer churn before it happens?

The ChurnZero integration with HubSpot allows users to understand the intricacies of how customers use your product and more accurately assess whether or not they are likely to renew, all while offering them the most personalized customer experience possible with relevant touchpoints. With a dashboard that shows customer health and the opportunity to automate alerts, teams can improve customer retention rates exponentially.

“[Before], we kind of had a sense of the health of our clients. We kind of had a sense of what’s working and what wasn’t working — but we didn’t really have a good way to see where our clients were across the spectrum of red, yellow, green. ChurnZero has been huge in providing the data points that we need. As a result of that, our retention rates and renewal rates have improved quarter over quarter which is fantastic for us to see.” Liz Friscino, Managing Director, Client Success, FiscalNote

Here’s how SaaS companies, Customer Success teams, Account Managers, and Chief Customer Officers can use the ChurnZero integration with HubSpot to increase customer retention, reduce churn, and improve the customer experience .

Benefits of Using the ChurnZero Integration with HubSpot to Fight Customer Churn + Create a Better Customer Experience

Customer churn is a major concern for all companies, and it’s especially important for SaaS businesses who depend on customer loyalty and recurring revenue. Improving customer retention rates requires optimizing the customer experience through personalized touchpoints, which starts with equipping customer-facing teams with the data and tools they need.

Using ChurnZero with the HubSpot CRM, Customer Success teams can gain a deeper understanding of the customer journey and create automation and alerts that signal the most urgent priorities for them to handle. It takes the manual aspects of account management away, which in turn gives team members more time back for relationship building.

Here are a few more of the benefits that Customer Success teams can reap when they utilize the ChurnZero integration with HubSpot.

Complete 360° Customer Visibility

churnzero integration with hubspot

The ChurnZero integration allows joint customers to get 360° visibility into customer accounts and contacts, including:

  • Usage
  • Production adoption
  • Sentiment
  • Engagement
  • Lifecycle journey
  • NPS scores

Absolute visibility allows Customer Success teams to strengthen relationships and better help customers to succeed using the product or service. This is especially effective when combined with other ChurnZero and HubSpot tools, like the ability to embed personalized messaging inside your app in order to reach your customers when they are actively engaged with your product.

Automatic Customer Journey Tracking

customer journey tracking with hubspot integration

The only way to avoid unwanted surprises is to continuously track the customer journey. ChurnZero executes automation using integrated customer data to map out milestones and track the activities that lead users through each phase of the customer journey.

Following data-backed timelines, Customer Success teams can set more accurate expectations for internal and external processes and improve overall account management practices. For each new phase of the customer lifecycle, more insights are automatically generated that can be used to personalize the future customer experience.

Minimized Churn Risks

minimizing churn

In order to effectively minimize churn, Customer Success and Marketing teams need to take a proactive approach to the customer experience. By gaining better focus on customers that require care at the right time, teams can use more accurate actionable insights to minimize churn risks and identify cross-selling or up-selling opportunities.

ChurnZero and HubSpot analytics allow users to track the journey and performance of each customer from the shared integration platform to see which accounts are at-risk and which are your healthiest customers. The platform also compares customer segments to determine which are most and least likely to churn.

Pro tip: happy customers make great product ambassadors, testimonials, or case studies.

Ways to Use ChurnZero to Increase Customer Retention Rates and Improve Account Management

Increasing customer retention rates comes down to how well your Marketing and Customer Success teams are able to analyze and optimize the customer experience. Here’s how the ChurnZero integration with HubSpot can help teams reduce churn through experience optimization, automation, and smart data.

1. Personalize the Post-Sale Customer Experience at Scale + Improve Account Management

In Marketing and Sales, personalization is the key to building relationships. Teams gather data to guide prospect calls, marketing email campaigns, and social campaigns. Customer Success and Account Management teams want the same amount of personalization during the post-sale experience, from onboarding to up-selling.

By creating flexible customer management playbooks in ChurnZero, Customer Success Managers (CSMs) can improve customer relationships at scale throughout the user journey. They can use modeling to anticipate the customer’s needs based on activities, account profile, and data from previous customers with a similar profile.

Using a tech touch engagement model, CSMs can focus their time on what matters most and design a smarter engagement model for clients instead of spending time on repetitive tasks and communications.

2. Accurately Assess Customer Health + Recurring Revenue

Providing Customer Success teams with insights into customer behavior and health — such as product usage, relationship, sentiment, customer journey, and engagement — leads to the creation of a more personalized customer journey.

Rather than relying on “gut feelings” or having to reach out to an individual Customer Success Manager or Account Manager every time you want to find out how a customer is doing, with HubSpot and ChurnZero, there is a unified profile that shows a complete view of the customer throughout their lifecycle.

With a robust 360° view of the customer, customer-facing teams are able to better predict recurring revenue with confidence, and tee up opportunities for expansion or renewal.

3. Reach Customers at the Peak of their Engagement

Connecting with customers when they are most engaged (like when they are actively using your application or online looking for answers to a question) is the key to higher retention rates. Otherwise, you may find yourself resorting to sending numerous emails and leaving voicemails in an effort to contact your leads and customers.

Communicating with contacts while they are using your product or service will lead to your customers viewing those communications as a beneficial and organic part of their experience with your product.

The ChurnZero platform allows users to reach customers during their engagement through:

  • In-app messages
  • Guided walkthrough product tours
  • In-app checklists
  • Success Centers

With customer marketing, sales, and retention tools all in one place and using the same data, customers will feel how aligned your teams are, and they’ll appreciate the personalized experience throughout their entire lifetime with your brand.

To begin reducing your churn rates and boosting customer retention, start using the ChurnZero integration with HubSpot today.

About the author: Katherine Boyarsky is the cofounder of CXD Studio, a creative content marketing agency. She is also a registered nurse and resides in the Boston area.


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