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Hotel Guest Questionnaire: A Complete Guide (Template Included)

Aysha Muhammed

Last Updated:  

23 May 2024

7 min read

Are you a hotelier looking to elevate guest satisfaction at your property? Do you want to deliver a memorable experience to your guests through personalization and stellar customer service? Say no more! A hotel guest questionnaire is just what you need.

In this guide, we cover all that you need to optimize your services and make guest satisfaction seem like a breeze. Here’s a rundown of what we’ll cover in this blog post:

But just before that, here’s something that you might be looking for…

Hotel customer questionnaire: Template

Your search for ready-to-use guest surveys ends here. With this pre-made template, you’re truly sorted! Sign up with your email for free and start using it already.

PS: You can very well customize the questions and themes so that it stands close to your brand identity.

Hotel Guest Questionnaire Template

Also, if you want to white-label your surveys and make them with your brand names, you are all sorted to do that as well. Sign up access that feature.

Now let’s get you back to more hotel guest questionnaire

What is a hotel guest questionnaire?

Needless to say, in this age and time of digital reviews and dicey online reputation, it is important to stay ahead of the curve as a hotelier. To do that, you need to know what your guests want and provide it to them. And there’s no better way to do that than with the help of a hotel guest questionnaire.

A guest evaluation questionnaire is designed to help hoteliers understand the guests’ requirements, and expectations, and evaluate their experiences. A hotel guest survey is crucial to assess how satisfied your customers are with different aspects of the service you provide.

What are some hotel guest survey questions?

If you’re looking for ideas to get started with your questionnaire, these hotel guest survey examples will do the job for you:

  1. Can you please tell us why you chose this hotel?
  2. How did you book your reservation?
  3. How was the check-in process?
  4. Was your room clean upon arrival?
  5. Was your bed comfortable?
  6. Did you find the concierge to be helpful during your stay?
  7. Were your responses quickly responded to?
  8. Did you make use of any of the amenities? If so, which ones?
  9. Overall, how friendly were the staff members?
  10. How was the checkout process?
  11. Please take a moment to rate our services
  12. Would you consider staying at our hotel again?
  13. Considering your complete experience at our hotel, how likely would you be to recommend us to a friend or a colleague?

Why use a hotel guest questionnaire?

Most people confuse a hotel complaint card with a hotel guest questionnaire. Well, the truth is, the former is only an extension of the guest review form. On the other hand, a hotel customer survey can be employed at every stage of the reservation process: pre-arrival, during the stay, and post-departure.

Now to address the question at hand, why should we really bother with a hotel guest questionnaire? Putting it simply, its advantages are significantly hard to miss. Some of them being-

Serves as an olive branch to dodge negative reviews

Sending out a questionnaire, even a short one, goes on to show your customers that you care about them.  It could be just as simple as asking them about their experience with you, but its results are mighty. Even if they were to reply in the negative, you could use that opportunity to set things right on the spot and get back on their good books.

For example, imagine that one of your guests complained about the cleanliness of the room in the survey. As soon as you come across this response, you can act immediately and deal with it by sending a house help to tidy up the room or even making arrangements to relocate your guests to a cleaner room works.

They help evaluate guest satisfaction

Unsatisfied customers cost your business. Quite literally. Reports indicate that 80% of customers will switch companies after one poor service experience. Now that’s a lot of business lost.

By asking your guests if the service is up to par with their expectations, you’re sure to create a great lasting impression in the minds of your customers. Even after they check out, a “thank you for staying with us” email will strengthen positive feelings about their stay, therefore resulting in a better chance of a review or a return visit.

Measuring NPS

Successful hotel owners and managers realize early on that measuring customer satisfaction, and loyalty is critical to growth. If you’re bent on joining the bandwagon yourself, you can do so by asking your customers a simple question-” How likely are you to recommend this hotel to your friends/ colleagues?”

By doing so, one can address any problem areas, improve the overall experience of their customers, monitor loyalty trends, and grow revenue through referrals and upsells.

Hotel guest questionnaire: Best Practices

Not all surveys are created equal and neither do they generate the same results. Chances are your guests’ emails are flooded with emails left, right, and center. So how do you stand out from the crowd and create a memorable survey experience for guests?  (Related: 10 Survey Best Practices and Tips You Can Put Into Action

To help you combat survey fatigue and create a well-structured survey that your respondents love, here are some pointers to keep in mind.

Remember to time your surveys

You can send several questionnaires during the guest reservation cycle. You just have to be smart about it.

For instance, in the case of in-stay surveys, a short survey with 2-3 questions will be more than enough to generate service recovery opportunities. But when we’re considering the case of post-stay surveys, remember to send it out pretty soon before they forget the details, preferably in 1-2 days’ time.

Be inviting

Although a hard pill to swallow, the truth is that nobody owes you their time. Hence, it is imperative that you strive to create a good experience for them to invite them to participate in your survey.

For instance, if you’re sending out a questionnaire via email, you can make the subject line catchy and clickable. Talking about the actual survey itself, opt for a beautiful template and stick to personalized questions.

Mobile-first surveys for the win

These days, most people opt to check their email on their phones. Not only that, if they’re on holiday, there’s a good chance that they won’t carry their laptops with them. Therefore, it’s always best to opt for a mobile-responsive survey such as SurveySparrow’s, which will allow them to take the surveys on the go.

Related: Why Should Your Surveys Be Mobile Compatible?

Be smart about the questions asked

When creating a hotel customer questionnaire, it is crucial to keep the logical sequence. For example, if you are creating a questionnaire about the online reservation experience, you should never hit them with questions about the payment procedures first. As it is the last step in the booking process, it’s only judicial to save it for later.

Plus, if you already know your guest’s name, you can add them to your message so it will sound more like a human conversation and not some generic template you use with everyone else.

Keep the survey short and simple

Nobody wants to spend hours answering your survey questions. So, never do long surveys that take several pages. In fact, hotel customer questionnaires shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to fill out. So it’d be best to fit in no more than 10-15 questions.

It is also important to avoid any industry-related words, that are known just by professionals. Put yourself in your guests’ shoes and keep vocabulary simple but clear.

How to make the most of your hotel guest questionnaire?

SurveySparrow is one of the best guest survey and feedback software out there. From helping you collect feedback at every touchpoint of your customer journey to getting valuable insights in the form of detailed reports, there’s a lot it can help you with.

If you want to weigh in on your options and make the most of your hotel guest questionnaire, here are some ways our guest feedback solution can help you get ahead of your competition-

Hundreds of Pre-loaded templates to get started

As we discussed above, sending out visually appealing, conversational surveys is key in ensuring their completion rates. But we totally understand that creating a perfect survey that ticks all the right boxes is no feat. That’s why SureySparrow comes with hundreds of pre-loaded hotel questionnaire templates that you get started within a jiffy. You can either use them as it is or customize them further to your liking. Either way, you won’t have to sweat it.

If you need to take personalization to a whole different level, our custom CSS, SSL, and video surveys will come in handy!

Make your surveys more intuitive with skip/display logic

What could be worse than asking no questions? Well, for one, asking the wrong questions. No one of your respondents wants to answer questions that don’t pertain to them. That’s why it is important to opt for a customer survey software that offers conditional branching.

With SurveySparrow, you can set conditions that must be met for a particular question to be shown to the respondent. Based on the answers given by respondents, you can also shift the control of the survey to a different part of the survey. This way, your guests would only be asked relevant questions.

Bring at-a-glance visibility with Executive Dashboard

Oftentimes, with hundreds, possibly thousands of survey results at hand, it gets tricky to get to the bottom of these data and derive insights from them. But that’s where the importance of a survey dashboard comes into play.

With our executive dashboard in place, you could pull hotel customer survey data from multiple surveys into one dedicated portal and evaluate real-time results. Oh, and your dashboards dynamically stay up-to-date. This way, it is easier to show the story in your data, focus on key insights, and take action on key metrics.

Case Management System

When you’re in the hospitality industry, being quick and receptive to customer queries/concerns will undeniably make a difference. Thanks to a case management system, you can set different tasks into motions, ensure every response is accounted for, and close the feedback loop, effortlessly. You can convert your guests’ responses into tickets and route them to the right team member for prompt actions.

Finishing up

If you’re running a hotel, there is only one thing that truly matters at the end of the day – that your guests are truly happy and you provide them with an enjoyable experience, through and through. A guest questionnaire or survey makes that task easier for you by eliminating guesswork and letting you know what is it that they truly need from you.

With a hotel survey software such as SurveySparrow, you get to streamline the whole process of guest feedback collection and make it all the more hassle-free.

Good luck! We’re rooting for you.

Aysha Muhammed

Senior Growth Marketer at SurveySparrow

Part-time hermit and a full-time writer trying to survive the SaaS space, one blog at a time. Bylines in digital but always on deadline.

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