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How PodPlays Is Disrupting the Podcast Industry with Listener Feedback

Written by Alida

Published April 26, 2021

PodPlays® is a family-friendly audio drama podcast with a mission to discover Nashville’s next country hits. In order to provide the best content for listeners and their families, PodPlays needed to know who their listeners were, and what content would keep them coming back for more. Providing the best listening experience was only possible by tapping into their listeners and uncovering what types of content make them crank up the music, gather the whole family, and tell all their friends about the great stories and epic songs they found on PodPlays.  

To bring the voice of the listener into their decision making process, PodPlays implemented Alida Touchpoint on their website and social media channels. Alida Touchpoint provided a way to collect immediate feedback from listeners right where they were, without deviating them from their amazing listening experience. With Alida Touchpoint, they’re able to increase their audience, improve listener engagement, and uncover invaluable information to remain competitive and stay a top choice when options for listeners are endless.

Watch the video below to see the whole story.



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