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How To Create A Survey On Facebook | A Complete Guide

Kate Williams

22 April 2024

11 min read

Which F.R.I.E.N.D.S. character are you? What kind of flower are you? What does your name say about your personality? What food do you like the most?

We’re pretty sure you’ve come across these quizzes on Facebook at least once! Quizzes like these are perfect examples of how companies collect data in different interesting ways.

Marketers see these quizzes as a hidden gem for market research. After all, as of 2020, there are 2.74 billion monthly active users on Facebook, and nearly 86% of marketers use Facebook for advertising in the US. It’s arguably one of the best social media platforms to reach various audiences.

But, remember, don’t rely solely on quizzes. Instead, use the platform to experiment with short surveys alongside quizzes to get the best result. And that’s exactly what we’re gonna discuss in detail here. How to create a survey on Facebook? – The complete guide, benefits, and best practices to use, we’re discussing it all here.

Ready with your coffee, then? Because we’re starting with no fighter ado.

Reasons Why Surveys Have Become More Important Than Ever

Before starting with the actual topic, it’s crucial to first talk about the reasons you need surveys in your business, and why they can’t be ignored? So, let’s raise the curtains and jump right in.

To Bring Quick Results

Today companies are well aware of the importance of online surveys. They’ve become shorter, more accurate, and easy to send. Using different CRM systems, your teams can send instant feedback surveys after a product purchase. Also, using the right survey software brings results easily, offering a lot of interesting data, and giving organizations the opportunities to pivot and grow further.

Gain Priceless Customer Loyalty

It’s 2021, and customer loyalty is more priceless than ever. You have to gain loyal customers who will advocate for the brand and are happy to be a part of your business. Using survey metrics like net promoter score, customer loyalty can be measured effectively and using the data on both promoters and detractors, your company can bring necessary changes to generate successful leads.

For Improving The Product

Nothing is perfect, not even your organization’s offerings! There’s always a chance to serve your customers better. For that, understand their needs first. But, the thing is, unless you’re a wizard, reading people’s minds is not possible. To understand consumer psychology, you have to ask them first. Using surveys, brands can learn what customers are thinking about their products. And if they’re facing any issue, your teams can go ahead take responsibility to solve the problem while working towards improving the product further.

Better & Faster Analysis

You can analyze online surveys in real-time. Yes, that’s completely possible. The moment a respondent hits the submit button, the process of tracking and analysis can start. Online surveys software comes with advanced report filters that allow you to filter responses based on the data required. So, your teams get to analyze more focused data in a faster way. Ain’t that impressive?

How To Create A Survey On Facebook?

What if we tell you there isn’t one but two options available to create surveys. A simple Facebook survey and a survey using survey software. Keep reading to know how to create a survey directly on Facebook.

  • Start by entering your survey on the search bar of Facebook. This will show you the survey app page on Facebook.
  • Select the “Use The App” button from the page.
  • Give the app access to your Facebook profile before using it.
  • Name the survey.
  • Edit the questions, answers. Before publishing, preview it to spot any errors.

Now, if you want to create a survey on Facebook using survey software, use SurveySparrow. SurveySparrow allows you to integrate surveys with Facebook pixel which helps to track, assess, and analyze the surveys effectively. Here’s how the integration process works:

  • Create a survey using the software. You can also choose from multiple survey templates to create engaging surveys.
  • After creating a survey, navigate to the integration tab.
  • From the integration list, enable the Facebook pixel toggle.
  • Enter your Facebook Pixel tracking code and authorize your SurveySparrow account.
  • To find the code, log in to the Facebook business suite. Visit the events manager page. You’ll find the code below the search bar. Or, you can navigate the pixel to find the code.
  • Once the integration is successful, start sharing the survey.
  • When you start getting responses, track details like page views, event registration, and much more in real-time.
  •  If you want to disable the integration, simply visit the INTEGRATE tab and switch off the integration toggle.

That’s it! Creating surveys using software is that easy. However, to get a higher response and better results from these surveys, follow these best practices:

Best Practices To Get The Most Out Of Facebook Surveys

Set A Clear Goal

Goal setting is an essential part of every successful business. As of 2019, goal-setting marketers are 376% more likely to earn success. While 70% of organized marketers accomplish their goals most of the time. And, the importance of setting goals in business will continue to be this popular in the years to come.

If you’re wondering how to create a survey on Facebook that gets actionable results, start by setting a goal. Your goal defines why you want to survey on Facebook. To explain your goal, ask the what, who, and how of the survey. For instance-

What: What question do you want to ask? What do you want to learn from the questions?

Who: Who is your ideal consumer?

How: How are you going to use the survey data?

Answering these questions will help determine the goal of your survey and the chances of getting better results would increase massively.

Experiment With Surveys

The best way to use Facebook surveys is to experiment. You can use the platform for market research, fun polls, event planning, and much more. Here are a few examples:

  • Online Polls: Create quick and easy online polls to uncover consumer behavior metrics.
  • Fun Survey: Why do surveys have to be boring all the time? Break the monotony of questions and answers with fun quizzes. People love to answer quizzes. And it will be a great engagement booster for your business.
  • Market Research: Facebook is one of the biggest networking sites. 48.5% of B2B decision-makers use Facebook. Facebook is the only social site that has reached 59% of the world’s social networking population. So, use this massive network base to research customers’ opinions and analyze the market potential of your services or products.
  • Event Planning: Using survey software, you can create event planning surveys on Facebook. From mentioning date, time, and location, you can include anything and everything on this survey.
  • Customer Satisfaction: What do the customers feel about your product? Measure your customers’ satisfaction level by pushing surveys through ads. You can even post it simply on your Facebook business page to gather valuable feedback.

Ask Short And Crisp Questions

Social media channels are for killing free time. If you bore the customers with lengthy questions, they’ll leave the survey halfway. Facebook surveys are supposed to be fun and engaging. So, people can’t wait to answer.

Make sure to ask questions that are short and easy to answer. Using skip logic respondents can directly jump to specific questions in the survey based on their responses. That means your respondents’ can skip irrelevant questions without even reading them. For example, let’s say you’re conducting a customer satisfaction survey on a product. If a respondent takes the survey without purchasing the product, using skip logic, you can skip a few questions about the product experience for a more personalized survey experience.

You can also use SurveySparrow’s survey templates to create engaging surveys without any effort.

Ask Close Ended Questions

Your audience does not have all day to answer surveys on Facebook. They want to answer a survey that can be completed quickly. That’s why don’t throw a bundle of questions at your audience. Instead, use close-ended questions in plain language that get the job done real quick.

For example, instead of asking open-ended questions, ask questions like:

  • “On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend our product?”
  • “How satisfied are you with our company’s services?”
  • Extremely satisfied
  • Somewhat satisfied
  • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  •  Somewhat dissatisfied
  • Extremely dissatisfied
  • “Which word describes our product better?”
  • High quality
  • Durable
  • Not reliable

Reasons To Consider facebook For Online Surveys

How to find out what the customers think about your products and services? Well, you can send emails or call them to ask about their opinion. But, the thing is, asking for opinions through emails and calls is old-school. In fact, given the way things have changed since 2020, it might even make you appear a little nosy.

So, the best way to convince an audience to share opinions is through social media channels. And when it comes to social media, what’s better than Facebook! With its huge user base, Facebook is still the best social media channel to connect with customers in 2021. Said that, here are a few more compelling reasons to use Facebook for  conducting surveys:

Specific Targeting Capabilities

No matter what services or products your organization provides, you’ll always have an ideal consumer base. This base is known as the target audience. They’ll purchase your products and use your services. In short, they’ll engage the most with your business.

Now, having a good understanding of the ideal customers is crucial for every business’s success. Sending targeted surveys to the target audience can reveal consumer needs, gaps, or any pain points. And if your business or product can resolve these needs and pain points, it’ll be a win-win situation for both you and them.

this is where Facebook surveys come in. The targeting capabilities of Facebook are highly specific. Think about the data it offers. From age, likes, locations, job titles, interests, the list is long!

So, let’s say you want to send a product feedback survey to a specific age group; Facebook can do that easily. Before pushing surveys through ads, don’t forget to customize them to focus on your target audience. The results would be far better!

Improve Your Facebook Ad Campaigns

Are the Facebook ads not working well for the brand? Maybe, you’re not surveying customers the right way. Using surveys, you can ask customers about their likes and dislikes. And, their survey responses can act as a treasure chest. In addition, you can customize your future ad campaigns based on their survey responses. Great, isn’t it?

So, how do to create a survey on Facebook that improves the performance of your Facebook ads? Well, before creating the survey, ask yourself and your team the goal behind it. For example, do you want to know which product the customers like the most? Maybe you and your teams want to know which features are not helping the users the way they were intended to?

Once you’re aware of the goal, create a survey using an online survey tool. Now you can run the survey on the brand’s Facebook page to collect user opinions about the product. Based on the survey responses, you’ll easily understand user’s goals, needs, pain points, and the likelihood of whether they’re satisfied with your product or would wanna use it?

For example, let’s assume you ran a Facebook survey for your hotel booking app to know the target consumers’ preferences. And received these survey responses:

  • When asked about their issues with hotel booking, most users mentioned high prices.
  • When asked for their expectations, they mentioned great rooms at a lower price.

Now using these survey responses, you can customize the next Facebook ad like this:

“Hey, Folks! Want to grab some great deals on hotels?

Download our app today, and pay less at selected hotels!

One of the great examples of brands using surveys for Facebook ads is Headspace. First, they survey their users to know if meditating helps to increase happiness. Then, they share their survey results in a Facebook ad copy to showcase their strong selling point.

Mobile-friendly Surveys

Facebook is a huge social networking platform. One of the reasons behind the gigantic popularity of Facebook is its mobile accessibility. You can access it through multiple mobile apps and websites, and this unrestricted ability makes them better than its competitors.

As per a study, 79.9% of users access Facebook from their mobile devices. And only 1.7% access the platform via computer or a laptop. While 18.5% log onto Facebook using both a computer and a mobile device.

From these statistics, it’s clear people prefer to use mobile more to access Facebook. And fortunately, today’s online survey tools can create mobile-friendly surveys that can increase your survey response rates. For example, using SurveySparrow’s survey software, you can craft mobile-first surveys that can increase response rates by 40%!

Using these survey tools, targeted surveys can be shared via Facebook to get more accurate results quickly.

Easy To Capture User Attention

Facebook is the most popular medium among all the social networking sites. People spend an average of 2 hours, 24 minutes every day, on Facebook. So whether your ideal consumers use the platform for buying things, watching videos, or simply scrolling the news feed, there’s no doubt Facebook is a daily part of their lives.

Businesses must understand that users have higher chances of getting exposed to Facebook ads, as they spend quite a lot of time on the platform. Also, people are most likely to enjoy their free time on Facebook. So, if you send surveys through Facebook ads, there’s a high chance they’ll click on the survey and share their views about your product.

Reach A Wide Audience

With billions of people using Facebook every day, sharing surveys with a wide audience isn’t impossible. As of 2020, their ad revenue was growing 25% year-over-year. Especially, the global pandemic shifted many organizations from offline to online, which increased their ad spendings. By pushing surveys through Facebook ads, you can collect feedback from more audiences than emails or any other medium, like all these organizations are doing right now.

Another way to reach a wide range of audiences via Facebook is the share button. Social sites are all about sharing. If you like something, you can’t resist sharing it with your friends. Likewise, if you dislike something, you would most probably share that too.

You might wonder, but the average page share on Facebook is 1.55 posts per day! Insights into how your posts perform are just as critical as sharing, and you can get them by using Facebook analytics tools. So, if you want to make your surveys a part of those 1.55 posts, use Facebook without any questions.

Engage With Consumers

Customer engagement is at the core of any business. Frequent engagement can build a strong bond between your business and the consumers. And when it comes to social media engagement, Facebook is leading with 59% of social media users. So, sending occasional surveys through Facebook can work amazingly to increase the engagement level of your audience.

But how to set up a survey on Facebook that engages effectively? Well, engaging Facebook surveys don’t always have to be questions and answers. Instead, you can create polls and fun quizzes to communicate with the consumers. So, if you’re a restaurant owner, ask your audience about the dish they like the most? Burger or sandwich! Fun, right?

There you go! These reasons are enough to convince you of the importance of Facebook surveys.

Why SurveySparrow Is Best For Your Facebook Survey?

Let’s take a look at all the interesting features of SurveySparrow offers that makes it the best online survey tool for building and conducting facebook surveys.

Online Poll Maker- SurveySparrow’s online poll maker allows you to create polls very quickly. With polls, you can get feedback about your services and products based on the users’ votes. And, with SurveySparrow, you can create different types of online polls easily. For example:

  • Opinion Polls: Helps to understand consumers thoughts
  • Fun Polls: The main goal is to engage the audience with fun and light polls.
  • Political Polls: Political parties can use these types of polls to measure the pulse of the public.
  • Straw Polls: If you want to gather mass opinion in a short time, these are polls you should go for.

Online Quiz Maker- Facebook is a place where your target audience spends their leisure time. So, it’s best not to disturb them with long questions and send interactive quizzes instead. With SurveySparrow’s online quiz maker, create simple quizzes to interact with users on a personal level. Using advanced designs, GIFs, videos, you can make the surveys super engaging. With SurveySparrow’s quiz maker, you can create:

  • Interactive Quiz: With features like chat-like surveys, conversational forms, you can create interactive survey quizzes.
  • Auto Score: SurveySparrow’s quiz maker has auto score features. That lets you set scores to the answers. Once the user finishes his quiz, it will automatically show the scores and the thank you page.
  • Multiple Device Compatibility: Your customers and target group can access these quizzes through any device. This multi-device compatibility of surveys makes it one of the most desirable survey apps.

You can easily share these polls and quizzes via Facebook and collect data in real-time. You can see the data pie charts, graphs to analyze consumer behavior. Also, SurveySparrow’s poll makers are meant for audiences all over the world. You can choose from more than 50 languages to translate your poll questions in any language. Brilliant, right?

It’s Your Turn Now!

In today’s digital era, social media surveys are booming. As a result, businesses are pushing surveys through ads on different social channels. In addition, businesses are adopting social media to send surveys to reach a wider population than emails can never will!

And, a survey on Facebook is probably the best way to get that massive traction. Hope we’ve answered everything you wanted to know about here. All that’s left now is for you to start conducting such surveys and start getting the right results. We’re rooting for you. And on this note, we’re pulling the curtains down.


Kate Williams

Content Marketer at SurveySparrow

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