Customer Experience

Updated On: May 28, 2024

A Guide to Knowledge Base System for Customer Experience 

Reading-Time 15 Min

Remember the days when GPS wasn’t there, and we would easily get lost on our journey? Thankfully, today, we don’t have to rely solely on instructions from passers-by and guesswork. In customer service, a knowledge base system acts like a GPS that customers & agents can use to solve their problems.  

In this blog we will explore why you need a knowledge base system, how you can build one, and the top knowledge base tools to enhance your customer experience (CX).  

What is a Knowledge Base System?  

A knowledge base system is a software that allows organizations to capture, manage, share, and update information easily. 

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Why do your Customer Support Teams need a Knowledge Base System?   

Knowledge Base for Customer Support Teams

#1 Quick access to information 

Agents often refer to multiple sources of truth, which are not regularly updated. This leads to customers getting frustrated as they receive incorrect and incomplete information.  

A knowledge base system enables all agents to easily access a single source of truth, to quickly help customers with the correct information. 

#2 Mistake-proof problem solving 

Agents deal with frustrated customers all the time. They need to understand customer problems and provide a solution quickly.  

A knowledge base system allows your agents to instantly access the right information, by creating a consolidated repository of everything they need.  

Additionally, you can further ensure mistake-proof problem solving by creating guides that provides contextual and actionable insights to your agents.  

For example, you can create visual guides with step-by-step instructions or interactive next-best-action workflows, to help agents navigate customer problems efficiently. 

#3 Reduced workload for agents 

A knowledge base system allows you to reduce agent workload by deflecting common customer queries to self-service channels. This allows your agents to dedicate their time to solving more complex customer problems. 

#4 Consistent support across channels 

Having a different knowledge source for every customer support channel can lead to inconsistent customer service.   

By providing a single source of truth across all support channels, you can be sure to provide consistent and correct support to your customers, regardless of the channel they use. 

#5 Data-driven insights 

A knowledge base system gives you insights into the usefulness of your content, time spent on specific content pieces, and most used content. This allows you to keep your knowledge base updated with relevant content. 

#6 Less time to proficiency 

Complex products and scattered information force agents to rely on memory and extend their learning curve. A knowledge base system can reduce time to proficiency by empowering agents with clear and easily accessible information on the job.  

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5 Types of Knowledge Base Systems  

5 Types of Knowledge Base Systems  

1. Internal Knowledge Base Systems

These are knowledge base systems that employees use. It consists of information about company policies, standard operating procedures, training materials, product information, etc. 

2. Hosted Knowledge Base Systems

These systems collect and store information that is accessible to employees, customers and all relevant stakeholders. 

3. Self-Hosted Knowledge Base Systems

These systems are hosted on your organization’s own servers, giving you more control over your data security and privacy.  

4. Open-Source Knowledge Base Systems

These systems are openly accessible to the public and are helpful if you want to modify the source code. 

5. Customer Service Knowledge Base Systems

These systems educate your customers about your products and services and help them resolve problems independently.  

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7 Essential Features of Knowledge Base System 

#1 Intuitive Interface:  

It should be easy to navigate and adapt. 

#2 Organized Structure:  

It should organize information into clear categories and subcategories, so its easy to access information. 

#3 AI Search:  

AI led knowledge base systems help you quickly retrieve relevant information from your knowledge base, without needing to skim through multiple articles. 

#4 Guided Knowledge Formats:  

Your knowledge base system should support dynamic content formats such as visual guides, videos, and interactive workflows. This will make the content easier for agents to understand. 

#5 AI Author Tools:  

AI authoring tools  help you create content faster and repurpose existing content into articles, FAQs, interactive workflows or visual how-to guides. They enable you to update your knowledge base faster. 

#6 Collaborative Tools:  

Collaborative tools allow you to seamlessly gather feedback, get projects approved, and do more with your data collectively. 

#7 Detailed Analytics: 

Analytics tool allows you to cultivate detailed analytics about your knowledge base’s user engagement, content utilisation, content gaps, search analytics, etc. This information empowers you to further improve your knowledge management to better service your users.  

How to Create a Knowledge Base System to Improve Customer Experience? 

Step 1: Capture Knowledge 

Begin by gathering essential information to support CX teams and customers, including FAQs, best practices, and standard operating procedures. This can be sourced from internal documentation, customer service logs, and training materials

Step 2: Declutter the knowledge  

Filter the data based on accuracy and importance, making sure that only updated and necessary information is included in your knowledge base. 

Step 3: Create easy-to-understand content 

Create dynamic content such as videos, visual guides or next-best-action workflows which ensures that your content is easy to consume for agents and customers. 

Step 4: Categorize the Content 

Organize the content into logical categories and subcategories using tags, titles, and keywords. This structure makes it easier for users to find specific information quickly.  

Step 5: Get the content approved. 

Before publishing, send the content for review and approval to the relevant stakeholders. Incorporate their feedback to refine the content. Once the revised content is approved, it is ready for publication. 

Step 6: Create a distribution plan  

Develop a plan for distributing the knowledge base to the right users. Decide who needs access to the knowledge base—whether it’s internal teams, external customers, or both. Implement access controls to ensure that sensitive information is only accessible to authorized users. 

Step 7: Onboard the users 

Introduce the knowledge base to your users—both customers and agents. Embed the knowledge base into your website, apps, or integrate it into existing systems like CRM or helpdesk software. Provide training and resources to help users understand how to navigate and use the knowledge base effectively 

Step 8: Update content regularly 

Lastly, to keep the knowledge base relevant and useful, regularly update the content. Schedule reviews to revise articles, add new information, and retire outdated content. Monitor usage patterns and feedback to identify areas for improvement. 

Top 5 Knowledge Base Systems for CX Teams 

#1 Knowmax 


Knowmax is an AI Guided Knowledge Base System that empowers CX teams to deliver mistake-proof service across touchpoints with contextual and actionable knowledge.   

By integrating Knowmax with your self-service channels, you empower customers to resolve their own queries and provide agents with instant access to answers through the smart AI search tool. 

Trainers and managers can access detailed analytics on customer interactions, content engagement, and generate CSAT score predictions with AI. 

Knowledge authors can instantly generate content first drafts with AI author tools, and seamlessly create dynamic content.  

2. Document 360 


Document360 is another great knowledge base system to consider. It allows you to privately host your knowledge base or co-host it. You can add and create multiple content formats in it.  

Its AI tools consist of AI search that enables users to quickly retrieve required information, along with an AI assistant called Eddy-AI that helps generate and revise content with SEO optimization.  

3. Guru 


Guru is a dynamic knowledge management software that transforms the way your team connects and accesses information. 

It is a centralised knowledge hub which seamlessly integrates with your tech stack to ensure that all your information is just a click away.  

Guru streamlines your access to data, and maintains rigorous content verification processes, guaranteeing that the information you rely on is up-to-date and accurate.  

4. Zendesk 


Zendesk Guide, part of the Zendesk suite, empowers you to create dynamic knowledge bases designed especially for customers and support agents.  

With a Zendesk subscription, you can craft organized and visually appealing content that captivates and engages your audience. Plus, Zendesk Guide keeps a meticulous record of all updates, giving you the ability to easily track changes and stay on top of your knowledge base’s evolution. 

5. Bloomfire 


Bloomfire enhances your team’s collaboration and innovation with its powerful search functionality. This ensures that relevant information is always at your fingertips.  

Additionally, it fosters a vibrant, community-driven environment where employees are encouraged to engage in discussions, ask questions, and share answers. 

Guided Knowledge is Power! 

Knowledge alone isn’t enough to enhance your customer experience, or to empower your customers and agents.   

While your knowledge base system can successfully centralize information, can it make this knowledge easily consumable and provide effective guidance to users? This is a question you should consider when adopting a knowledge base system for your organization.  

A guided knowledge base system does more than just store information. It enables users to access the right information quickly. It also helps users navigate through complex information by providing guided pathways or suggestions based on user input. This ensures that the customer support experience is as intuitive and helpful as possible. 

Pratik Salia


Pratik is a customer experience professional who has worked with startups & conglomerates across various industries & markets for 10 years. He shares latest trends in the areas of CX and Digital Transformation for Customer Service & Contact Center.

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