Customer service is a performance art. Are you Oscar-worthy?

QUI QUESTION: Customer service is a performance art. Are you Oscar-worthy?

Movie actors like Sandra Bullock, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Hanks, Dwayne Johnson, and Keanu Reeves act to be happy, sad, scared, scary, or angry. Yet, we, as the audience, believe they are genuinely real. The actors may “act their part”, but they are so good that we, as the audience, believe they are real. Whether actors are acting the part or believe they are real is not important. It is never about the actors. It is always about the audience.

We, as customer service professionals, act to be happy to serve our customers so much so that they believe we are genuinely happy to serve. It doesn’t matter if we act it or not. What matters is if our customers believe we are genuine. When it comes to customer experience, it’s never about us. It’s always about them.

Like the movie and theatrical actors, we have to be Magnificently Boring! We need to consistently deliver a “better than the average experience that customers expect” so tediously repetitive that we feel it is boring, but to the customer, at every moment, we are Magnificent!

Oscar-worthy, in fact. So when it comes to customers, customer service, and customer experience, don’t just be good. Be GREAT out there!

#customerservice #customerexperience #custserv #custexp #cx 

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