A customer complaint is a gift.

QUI QUOTE: A customer complaint is a gift. Take the perspective that your customers complain because they want to help your business. Otherwise, they would say nothing and walk away, intent on never returning.

A customer may not always be right. But they are always your customer. Do whatever it takes to make them feel right.

Listen and allow the customer to vent. Angry or frustrated customers generally will not listen to or accept your apology until they have an opportunity to voice their frustrations.

And listen to their complaints with the intent to take action, not to give an explanation. To a customer, when something is wrong, your explanation is an excuse. Customers want action, not excuses.

Listen empathetically, apologize, and do whatever it takes to resolve the problem, even if it means having to go with your customer to your competitor.

When all alternatives don’t work, DON’T fire the customer. Simply ask the customer to resign. “I’m sorry but I’m not able to resolve your problems. Could I recommend Company X for your experience? I could contact them if you like.” Both the customer and your competitor are happy. The customer will remember you and might be loyal to you. Your competitor is happy because you recommended them. They may refer you later when they could not resolve another customer’s complaint. A Mutual Admiration Society of sorts.

When a customer complains, take it personally. Take it professionally. Take it responsibly. Just don’t take it home.

#customerservice #customerexperience #custserv #custexp #cx

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