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User Experience(UX) Survey Questions: 60+ Examples (+Template)


Last Updated:  

23 May 2024

5 min read

Looking to understand the “Why” behind your users’ behavior within your app? Need some sample user experience (UX) survey questions to customize and include in your own UX questionnaire?

User research is essential when designing a new product or redesigning an existing one. You need to learn what works (and what doesn’t) to make UX changes and improve your UX.

In this article, you’ll learn what a UX survey is, the best UX survey questions you can ask your users, and the best practices to create an effective UX questionnaire.

If you’re searching for a free user experience survey questionnaire, consider using the one available from SurveySparrow.

Try our UX survey to test the conversational experience!

Here’s everything we’ll cover, use the links below to jump to a section that’s relevant to you:

What is a UX survey?

A UX survey lets you gather quantitative and qualitative data about your users’ interactions and experiences within your app or software.

You can gain a better understanding of why they started using your app, quickly gather feedback on a new, beta product, and gauge their overall satisfaction with your app.

That said, UX surveys, while helpful for gathering insights on user interactions and experiences, may not provide comprehensive information about user behavior, usability problems, or user needs and pain points, which can be better addressed through dedicated UX services such as user testing and usability studies.

60+ User Experience Survey Questions to Ask Your Users in 2022

Here are the UX survey questions to include in your UX questionnaire:

  1. I understand what {product or app name} does
  2. I know how to use {product or app name}
  3. Why did you start using {product or app name}?
  4. How useful is our product to you?
  5. Tell us about your experience using {product or app name}?
  6. How would you rate the user-friendliness of {product or app name} interface?
  7. Considering that you’ve used our interface extensively, how likely are you to recommend it to your friends and colleagues?
  8. How would you describe {app or product name} in one or more words?
  9. If {app or product name} were a car, what car would it be?
  10. How does {app or product name} compare to {competitor}?
  11. If you were to review {app or product name}, what score would you give out of 10?
  12. What do you find most frustrating about {product or app name}?
  13. Overall, how easy to use do you find {product or app name}?
  14. What were your impressions of the onboarding experience within the app?
  15. What would you rate the usability of our app? why?
  16. How would you rate your overall experience on our app?
  17. How difficult is it to read characters on the screen?
  18. What is your opinion about the organization of information on the screen?
  19. The usage of terms throughout the app is consistent
  20. The positioning of messages across the screen is consistent
  21. The prompts displayed for inputs are clear
  22. Our app informs you about the progress of a task
  23. The error messages displayed are helpful
  24. This app makes me feel:
  25. I like the way this app looks
  26. How often do you use our product?
  27. What do you find best about our product?
  28. How would you rate the reliability of our app?
  29. Are there any comments or suggestions that can help us improve the user experience and interface?
  30. How would you rate the quality of the content provided on the screen?
  31. Is it easy to find what you’re looking for in the main navigation menu?
  32. How would you rate the speed of our app?
  33. How would you rate the interface design of our app?
  34. Do the menu items make sense?
  35. How easy is it to navigate the app?
  36. If you could improve one thing about the app, what would it be?
  37. What is the one thing you wish the app could do that it doesn’t already?
  38. On a scale of 1-10, how would your use of our app be impacted by {feature or update}?
  39. What does this feature mean to you?
  40. Is there anything you would change about how {feature or update} works?
  41. What is the most important feature you think we should add?
  42. Which of our competitors did you consider before choosing us?
  43. Why choose us over competitors?
  44. Did you encounter any problems while using the interface? if yes, tell us about them
  45. What features could you not live without?
  46. Which features could you live without?
  47. What do you like least about {product or app name}?
  48. What do you like best about {product or app name}?
  49. How can we improve {product or app name}? send us your suggestions and ideas
  50. What features do you use the most on the app?
  51. Please state your agreement with the following, {feature or update} would make my job easier
  52. What comes to your mind when thinking about {product or app name}?
  53. If you are unhappy with {product or app name}, what can we do to get you to come back?
  54. What was the one time you found our app to be highly satisfying?
  55. Have you paid for any of our products or apps?
  56. What other products or tools do you use to accomplish similar tasks and why?
  57. Was there anything surprising or unexpected about this product?
  58. What is your main goal while using a product like {product or app name}?
  59. Is there anything you look for in a {type of product} that is missing?
  60. What’s the most difficult part of using our app?
  61. What are the tasks you do frequently while using our product?
  62. Anything else you want to share or get off your chest?

5 UX Survey Best Practices

Here are some best practices to follow when designing your UX questionnaire:

Have a goal

The first step is to define a goal for your UX survey. What aspects of your product or design are you looking to improve? What are you trying to learn about your users?

Keep it short and relevant

Make your UX surveys as quick and easy to complete as possible. Ask only those questions that would help you learn something that’s relevant to the goal of your survey

Check for bias

Ask neutral questions and avoid the leading ones. Check for certain phrases or words in a question that might force the respondent to pick a particular answer.

Keep it clear and transparent

Avoid jargon, acronyms, and terms your audience might not be familiar with. Also, tell them what you intend to collect with your survey and how you would use their data.

Provide incentives

If you want most of your user base to take your survey, you should provide financial incentives. Incentives are a great way to get more respondents and improve completion rates.

Final thoughts

UX surveys help you gain insights into your product’s usability and your users’ overall experience. When done right, they will help you design a better product that helps your users accomplish their goals more efficiently. Use only the user experience survey questions examples that would help you achieve your UX survey’s goal. We hope this article will help you create a better UX questionnaire.

Are you looking to create and conduct UX surveys on your own? SurveySparrow provides you with everything you need to create and conduct conversational UX surveys that your users will love answering!

Conversational surveys typically tend to boost survey responses and create pleasant experiences for your users.

Most users will complete your survey as they would be pleased to take surveys that are conversational in nature and are quite different from the long, boring forms you’ve seen on the internet.

SurveySparrow provides you with a simple drag-and-drop interface and a free, premade UX survey template that anyone can use to create UX surveys in minutes without having to start from scratch.

If you’re looking to boost your survey responses and create pleasant experiences, take the conversational way and try SurveySparrow today!

Have you got any questions on UX surveys? Got any interesting tips or hacks for creating effective UX surveys? Let us know in the comment section below.

If you’re wondering whether SurveySparrow is the right fit for you and would rather have someone walk you through our platform, reach out to us for a free, personalized demo!


I'm a developer turned marketer, working as a Product Marketer at SurveySparrow — A survey tool that lets anyone create beautiful, conversational surveys people love to answer.


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