3 Key Drivers for a Diverse Work Culture

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Looking to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace? Attracting diverse talent is just the first step, but maintaining and supporting them is equally important. As more and more companies understand the importance and benefits of diversifying their workforce, I want to share insight into what made me feel welcomed and what I believe will help your organization effectively embrace diversity and increase inclusivity.

Over the past year, I had the privilege of being part of the IDEAtor Apprenticeship Program, where I had the opportunity to work closely with companies aiming to enhance diversity within their teams. Being new to the market research field, my experience not only consisted of being welcomed as a diverse talent, but also learning new skills. Feeling embraced from the start allowed me to transition smoothly into my apprenticeship role, enabling me to build confidence, develop my skill set, and ultimately become a productive asset for both companies. By implementing the suggestions below, your organization can not only attract and retain diverse talent, but also create an environment where they can thrive and contribute to your company’s success.

So, what can you do to ensure that your company is prepared to attract and retain diverse talent? Here are three key considerations:

  1. Foster a Welcoming Company Culture: Is your company culture truly inclusive? Beyond diversity training, are there initiatives within your organization that highlight diversity, such as celebrating ethnic holidays/events or having specific groups dedicated to advancing diversity within the company? While diversity training is important, it is equally crucial to have other criteria in place that foster diversity in the workplace on an ongoing basis. Let us move beyond just checking the box of diversity training and create a culture that genuinely embraces and celebrates diversity. A specific experience I really enjoyed was seeing a company have the opportunity for employees to join diverse groups/channels to interact, learn and plan events.
  2. Hire Diverse Talent in Groups: Diversity goes beyond just numbers; it is about creating a sense of belonging. Imagine being the only one from a diverse background in a company – this can be true in terms of race and ethnicity but also gender. If you have ever been the only ____ (I will let you fill in the blank)? It can be awkward and isolating. Instead of aiming to have just one person from a diverse group to represent diversity, strive to have several diverse individuals as part of your workforce. This creates a supportive environment where diverse employees can connect with each other, feel less tokenized, and contribute to increased productivity.
  3. Provide Opportunities for Diverse Voices To Be Heard: It is essential to give diverse talent a voice within your company. Encourage and create opportunities for diverse employees to contribute their perspectives, ideas, and feedback on projects and processes. It has always been meaningful to me when my superiors have reached out to me and simply asked, “Is there anything I can do better?” or, “What do you need from me?” When leaders genuinely listen and seek feedback, it fosters a sense of inclusion and belonging. Let’s create safe spaces for dialogue and make sure it is a two-way street, where diverse voices are not only heard, but also valued and respected. My favorite way to do this is during 1:1 meetings when employee progress and goals are assessed and planned.

By following these three key considerations, your company can create a more inclusive workplace where diverse talent can thrive. Remember, attracting diverse talent is just the beginning. To truly embrace diversity, it’s crucial to create an inclusive environment where diverse employees feel welcomed, supported, and valued. As I continue my journey within the market research field, I look forward to seeing the shift of the insights industry where there is more diversity within companies and within leadership roles.

By: Shannon Harris, IDEAtor Fellow, 2022/2023


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