How to build a successful outbound lead gen strategy for contact centers

Build a strong lead gen strategy

Welcome to this insightful blog post, where we discuss building a successful outbound lead generation strategy for contact centers. Industry experts Ali Janjua, the president and co-founder of Work LLC, and Mike McGuire, with 24 years of experience in contact center operations, share their knowledge and tips for the lead generation community. Read on to learn more about the importance of quality service, people, and technology, how to build a successful outbound lead generation strategy, and the major shifts and struggles that have occurred in the outbound lead generation space.

Webinar: How to build a successful lead gen strategy

This article is based on a recent discussion between the two experts within the NobelBiz Webinar Series, hosted by Brad Butler, a highly-skilled professional with more than ten years of experience in the contact center space. Many of the unique webinar’s talking points are expanded here in this article.

If you want to learn more about the latest trends in the lead generation space, you can watch the entire webinar discussion on demand here.

Major Shifts in Outbound Lead Generation

According to Mr. Ali Janjua, one of the major shifts in outbound lead generation has been compliance. The market has become more competitive, and people are demanding more quality and compliance. The industry has matured, and people know what they’re getting themselves into, and they demand a higher standard. Companies that find a way to meet that standard will succeed, and those that don’t will struggle.

Mike McGuire adds that finding good people is now a challenge, especially in the US, where businesses are competing with remote workers. Other shifts include telcos trying to block calls they deem excessive and labeling calls as spam likely. The days of just loading up a list and cold-calling people are gone. Companies now have to invest in data, technology, and omnichannel communication to supplement the lack of contact in the voice strategy.

Main Struggles in Outbound Lead Generation

The main struggles in outbound lead generation include low contact and conversion rates.

Low contact rates

In the beginning, we need to understand that the Contact Rate has nothing to do with the skills of your salespersons or agents and everything to do with the call center technology being used. Not even the best salesmen in the universe can make a difference if the calls or contact attempts are not being answered.

The Contact Rate is the percentage of answered connection attempts (via voice calls or other communication channels) by a living person (no, voicemail doesn’t count) out of the total number of contacts in a given list.

If an outbound campaign works with a list of 500 leads and only 50 persons answer back, the Contact Rate for that particular campaign will be 10%.

Struggling with an ever-decreasing contact rate became routine in the contact center space. And no wonder. Poor number management, frequent state and federal regulations updates, and ignorant voice providers are constantly eroding a center’s chances to have their calls answered.

According to Mr. Ali Janjua, contact rates have become a significant challenge, and the only way to overcome it is by buying or generating high-quality data.

Low contact rates can be attributed to various factors, such as outdated contact information, poor list management, and ineffective dialing strategies. These challenges result in a waste of resources and decreased productivity.


To improve contact rates, call centers can invest in high-quality data sources and technology, validate and update their contact lists regularly, and implement effective dialing strategies such as predictive dialing.

Companies have to invest in data, as it is the key to successful outbound lead generation.

Struggling with an ever-decreasing contact rate became routine in the contact center space. And no wonder. Poor number management, frequent state and federal regulations updates, and ignorant voice providers are constantly eroding a center’s chances to have their calls answered.

At NobelBiz, we’ve developed a one-of-a-kind approach that constantly elevates our client’s contact rates by up to 20%.

Because we’re one of the very few CCaaS providers with a proprietary Voice Carrier Network, we have complete control over everything that can impact a call center’s contact rate:

  • Pioneer Local Caller ID technology
  • Carrier-Level Auto-Number Rotation
  • Automatic Switch of the Labeled DIDs
  • Increased Answering Machine Detection
  • Level A STIR/SHAKEN Attestation

The Contact Rate in an Omnichannel World

A successful contact does not necessarily mean an answered phone call, especially if you are targeting Millennials or younger generations that have shifted from voice communication to digital platforms such as email or social media channels such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Twitter, and so on.

This is why it is crucial to be able to get in touch with your list via the preferred channel of your leads. In this respect, one of the best practices in the industry at the moment is to break the boundaries of voice-only outbound campaigns and go for what is known as the omnichannel approach.

The NobelBiz OMNI+ platform will imbue your contact center with true omnichannel capabilities. Learn more here.


Low Conversion Rates

Low conversion rates may result from untrained agents, lack of a compelling value proposition, the inability to establish rapport with prospects, and last but not least, a subpar CRM that is not in sync with your contact center software.


To increase conversion rates, call centers should provide continuous training and support for their agents, fine-tune their value propositions, and develop better rapport-building techniques.

If you look at contact centers with 20, 30, 50% annual turnover, you look at BPO’s with a 100% percent or more annual turnover. We’ve seen organizations with 300% per annum turnover. – Colin Taylor, CEO & CCO at The Taylor Reach Group

CX isn’t enough to keep your customers happy; you also need staff engagement and satisfaction, which begins with adequate onboarding, training, and a skills and abilities exam. Find out more from our podcast episode Happy Employees Make Happy Customers.

The impact of an integrated CRM on the Conversion Rate

As hinted before, the more data you can gather about your leads, the more chances you have to increase the Conversion Rate. As a side note, a CRM can also help you warm the leads before attempting a direct contact and pitch. It is well known that a warm lead is more likely to close the deal.

Coming back to the Conversion Rate, a CRM will keep track of all your attempts and interactions and, most importantly, will help you keep the contact data up to date. Nothing influences the Contact and Conversion Rates as an outdated contact database.

Of course, having your CRM linked to your contact center software platform is critical because data can flow in real time between your contact lists and your dialers. Not to mention that your agents can use dispositions, have instant access to the client history, and edit the data from the CRM without having to leave the agent interface.

NobelBiz OMNI+ is one of the few software solutions that can provide a smooth integration between your CRM and the call center platform.


High Agent Attrition

We all know that the turnover rate is a thorn in every contact center’s side. We also know that the more you complicate an agent’s life, the more they are likely to leave.

When it comes to what causes agents to leave, there are various factors involved. High-stress levels, low job satisfaction, inadequate training or lack of career growth opportunities, and poor compensation can all contribute to this issue. Additionally, inflexible hours that lead to an imbalance between work and life, as well as a negative atmosphere at the workplace, could also result in getting agents leaving their jobs sooner than expected; hence employee engagement should be taken seriously by employers who want high-performing team members on board for longer terms.


To avoid agent attrition, contact center higher-ups need to focus on creating a positive and supportive work environment by prioritizing employee engagement. Regular training programs, opportunities for career growth, competitive compensation packages with benefits are essential factors in ensuring that agents feel valued and fulfilled in their roles. Flexible working arrangements such as remote work or alternate schedules can reduce stress levels while recognizing achievements through feedback can also help retain top talent within the workforce.

Last but not least, an agent-friendly platform will have a noticeable impact on your workforce and overall attrition. Not to mention that the training is simplified and the process shortens significantly.

solutions for contact center turnover, technology and culture

If you want to dive deeper into the topic of attrition and technology, we highly recommend watching the Free Webinar episode called Solutions for Turnover, Technology and Culture with Christian Montes and Michael McGuire. Watch the free webinar here.


Constant call center training

When agents are not given the opportunity to grow, it is easy for them to become demotivated and leave. While most call center leaders agree that training is important, the training you provide should be done in a consistent and timely manner. It should also address themes such as firm offers, client demographics, professional customer involvement, and soft skill growth.

You’ll see the benefits of a solid training program in a number of ways: every call center agent will be happier and more focused, and customer satisfaction levels will begin to climb.

When they come into my call center, if they have experience or not, I discuss fear, which is a morbid anticipation of something that hasn’t happened yet. – Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica’s Call Center.

When dealing with a high turnover rate, good training includes developing the soft skills required to handle challenging circumstances. Richard employs several basic but powerful tactics. Discover more from our podcast episode on The Engagement Toolkit to Fight Attrition.

Read on to find the best strategies to reduce call center agents’ attrition.

Building a Solid Outbound Lead Generation Strategy

As we will see, the first step in building a general outbound lead gen strategy is understanding your target audience, including their pain points and motivations. Next, you’ll need to identify the best channels through which to reach them – whether that’s email outreach or social media messaging.

a group of workers building a sturdy bridgeOnce you have these basic elements in place, it’s important to start testing different approaches and refining your tactics over time. This might involve tweaking subject lines or adjusting the timing of when messages are sent out. Consistency will also be key here; by staying on top of trends within the industry and continually adapting as needed, you’ll increase your chances of success with any given campaign or outreach effort!

Mike McGuire suggests that businesses should take a fully holistic view of how they’re reaching out to customers and the impact they’re leaving. When building an outbound lead generation strategy, it’s crucial to have a full-circle approach that allows for communication through multiple channels, such as email, chat, WhatsApp, and SMS.

Ali Janjua recommends investing in data, as it is the key to successful outbound lead generation. He suggests that businesses should spend up to 30% of their revenue on data, allowing them to scale and achieve a higher profit margin.

When setting business goals, it’s crucial to set achievable goals that align with the company’s overall objectives. The communication channels used should also align with the audience’s preferences. For example, younger people may prefer social media, while older people may prefer email or phone calls.

Businesses should also measure their success and optimize their strategies based on the results. KPIs should be established and monitored regularly, allowing for adjustments as necessary.


Quality Service and the Right Pricing Strategy

contact center pricing: dollar billOne of the key factors in building a successful outbound lead generation strategy is providing quality service. Many businesses make the mistake of underpricing their services in an attempt to capture more clients. However, this often leads to an inability to provide quality service. Ali Janjua emphasizes the importance of charging a premium for a quality product, allowing businesses to pay their employees well and treat them fairly, ultimately leading to better results.

In addition to providing quality service, it’s also important to leverage technology in order to scale your efforts. This might include using tools like customer relationship management (CRM) software or sales automation platforms that can help streamline the lead generation process and make it easier for you or your team members to stay organized and efficient.

Building an outbound lead strategy is all about experimentation – testing different approaches over time until you find what works best for your unique business needs. By taking a deliberate approach and putting in the necessary legwork up front, however, there’s no reason why any company couldn’t see success with this type of marketing initiative!


People and Consistency

Janjua also stresses the importance of people and consistency in the success of a lead generation strategy. Paying employees top dollar and treating them well encourages them to stay with the company, eliminating the need for constant retraining. Additionally, focusing on improving processes and producing the best product leads to increased demand and growth.

In order to build a successful outbound lead generation strategy, it’s important to invest in your team and ensure that everyone is aligned toward the same goals. This might involve setting clear expectations around key performance indicators (KPIs) or providing ongoing training opportunities so that employees can continue developing their skill sets over time. As we saw before, by prioritizing people and processes alike, you’ll be well on your way to building an effective lead generation engine for years to come!


The Role of Data and Technology

Mike McGuire highlights the importance of quality data and technology in a successful outbound lead generation strategy. He notes that the cheapest option may not always be the best choice and that transparency in pricing and quality is essential.

Utilizing advanced technology, such as NobelBiz OMNI+, simplifies agent workflows and provides a seamless customer experience across all channels, allowing businesses to adapt to ever-changing industry trends.

To create a winning outbound lead generation strategy, you must first lay the groundwork. A solid infrastructure and tech stack is the matrix in which a flourishing lead generation strategy can grow and develop.


The Components of an Outbound Lead Generation Strategy

Now that you have a solid foundation let’s explore the components of an effective strategy.

As businesses continue to compete for customers, having an effective outbound lead generation strategy has become more important than ever. But what exactly goes into creating one that works? Here are some essential components:

  1. Targeted List: A targeted list is a crucial component of an outbound lead generation strategy. It is essential to have a list of potential customers who are likely to be interested in your product or service. A targeted list can be built by conducting market research, analyzing customer data, and using other data-driven techniques.
  2. Quality Data: The quality of data is equally important as the quantity of data. Accurate data helps in identifying the right prospects, and it helps in crafting personalized messages to them. It is essential to have up-to-date and accurate data.
  3. Sales Pitch: A well-crafted sales pitch is a critical component of an outbound lead generation strategy. The sales pitch should be tailored to the target audience, and it should highlight the unique benefits of your product or service.
  4. Multi-Channel Approach: A multi-channel approach is essential to reach your target audience effectively. This includes using channels such as email, social media, phone calls, and even direct mail. A multi-channel approach helps to increase the chances of reaching your prospects and converting them into customers.
  5. Training and Coaching: The success of an outbound lead generation strategy depends on the skills of the contact center agents. It is essential to invest in training and coaching to ensure that agents have the necessary skills and knowledge to engage with prospects and convert them into customers.
  6. Analytics and Reporting: Analytics and reporting are essential components of an outbound lead generation strategy. It helps to track the performance of the strategy, identify areas of improvement, and make data-driven decisions.


Measuring and Analyzing Performance

To continuously improve your outbound lead generation strategy, you must track and analyze performance data. Let’s dive in a little deeper.

Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Identify KPIs that align with your goals, such as the number of leads generated, conversion rates, and Average handle time. Monitor these metrics to evaluate your strategy’s effectiveness and make informed decisions.

The data you collect can be used to help improve your lead generation contact center’s strategy performance in several ways:

Conversion rates – This is the percentage of calls that result in a sale or some other desired outcome for the customer. For example, if a call center handles 10,000 leads per month and 5% of those leads convert into sales (5%), then they have 500 conversions each month. You can use this number as a benchmark for measuring future performance against previous months’ conversion rates so that you know whether or not there has been an improvement over time.

Average handle time – This refers to how long it takes on average for customers who reach out through phone calls or chats with agents at your company before they’re satisfied with their experience and hang up without needing further assistance from anyone else within your organization (or even calling back). A low average handle time shows that people are happy with how quickly they were able to get answers from someone on staff; however, high average handle times could mean that people aren’t getting enough attention from employees because there aren’t enough people available at any given moment during business hours when most potential clients would want accesses services like yours!


Looking Ahead: Industry Trends in 2023 and Beyond

a business man looking into the futureBoth experts predict a bright future for outbound lead generation as demand for these services continues to grow. Ali Janjua sees the importance of outbound strategies remaining strong, with more companies focusing on producing quality products and services. Mike McGuire expects increased regulation to force out bad actors in the outbound space, leading to a higher standard of quality and service.


Outbound Lead Generation: A Necessity in Today’s Market

According to Ali Janjua, the demand for outbound lead generation is not going away but rather increasing as the population grows. With the rise of the internet-savvy generation, there will be more demand for people wanting to make decisions over the phone or online. Outbound lead generation is here to stay, complementing inbound traffic and web-based interactions.


The Importance of Quality and Compliance

As the industry continues to grow, entrepreneurs should focus on producing the best quality products and services. Ali Janjua emphasizes that if you are proud of the product you produce, you will never be out of business. On the other hand, Mike suggests that companies that don’t follow the rules will eventually be forced out of business. Compliance and doing things the right way are key to success in the outbound lead generation industry.


The Role of People in Outbound Lead Generation

Both Ali Janjua and Mike stress the importance of focusing on people. In the words of Janjua, “Businesses that treat their people the best are the ones that are going to win.” When it comes to creating an effective outbound lead generation strategy, focusing on people is essential. Empower your agents to handle more complex tasks and create a positive working environment for everyone involved.


The Impact of AI on the Lead Generation Industry

As AI continues to advance, Mike predicts that customers might start to demand more human interactions rather than dealing with machines. While AI can handle simple tasks, it cannot persuade or convince customers to make important decisions. This is where agents play a crucial role in providing high-level customer experiences and handling complex deals.


Compliance in the Lead Generation Industry

Once upon a time, the lead generation industry was like the Wild West. Contact centers could shoot from the hip, using any method they pleased to generate leads. But alas, those days are long gone. Today, compliance is the sheriff in town, and it has a massive impact on the way contact centers operate.

Transparency: With new regulations, contact centers must provide crystal-clear information about their intentions, methods, and data usage. No more smoke and mirrors here!

Consent: Double opt-in, anyone? Contact centers must now ensure they have a record of consent from leads before reaching out.

Quality: No more quantity over quality – regulations require contact centers to focus on delivering high-quality, relevant leads that align with the target audience.

Outbound Compliance webinarIn the US market, compliance is a crucial aspect of outbound lead generation in contact centers. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and the Federal Trade Commission’s Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR) are just two examples of regulations that must be followed to avoid penalties and legal issues. Privacy laws like CCPA have added complexity for businesses operating in multiple regions. Compliance may not sound exciting, but it’s essential for protecting both consumers’ rights and companies’ reputations. Adhering to these regulations requires ongoing training, attention to detail, and access to reliable data management tools.

Learn more about how to remain compliant without sacrificing efficiency. Get free, on-demand access to our Outbound Compliance Survival Kit Webinar here.

Obey Contact Center Regulations Or Else…

For contact center lead generation managers, the stakes are high, now more than ever. Outbound non-compliance can lead to hefty fines, customer dissatisfaction, and potential lawsuits. It can also damage your reputation, leading to long-term financial losses.

The Legal Landscape Is Getting Uglier by the Day

As you may have heard, Keller Williams Realty recently agreed to a $40 million settlement due to TCPA violations. This settlement is a stark reminder of how critical it is to remain compliant with TCPA, FTSA, Reg. F and all the other mini-TCPA laws (Florida, Michigan, Oklahoma, Maryland, and New York).

OMNI+ Powered by Safe Select: Compliance On All Fronts

At NobelBiz, we understand the importance of staying compliant, which is why we offer the award-winning OMNI+ Powered by Safe Select solution. Our cloud omnichannel platform uses Human Sequence Selection and Human Click technology – not ATDS – to ensure the compliance of both consented and non-consented outbound calls.

More Outbound Compliance Filters

NobelBiz OMNI+ also helps you scale your outbound efficiency without crossing the red line of federal and state regulation:

  • Time Zone Filters
  • Call Frequency Filters
  • TCPA Mobile Phone Filters
  • Ring No Answer Time
  • A2P 10DLC
  • Level “A” STIR/SHAKEN Attestation, etc.

Learn more about how NobelBiz can help your business remain compliant here.


The outbound lead generation landscape is evolving, presenting both challenges and opportunities for businesses. By prioritizing data quality, embracing multichannel communication, leveraging advanced technology, and continuously measuring performance, companies can successfully navigate these changes and build a robust outbound lead generation strategy. In doing so, they will not only stay competitive but also thrive in the ever-changing market landscape.

Michael McGuire is a contact center industry expert with almost two decades of experience in the space. His experience includes roles as Director of Contact Center Digital Transformation at NobelBiz, and as Director of Operations at FLS Connect, managing multiple call centers. As President of Anomaly Squared and Targeted Metrics, Michael successfully transitioned companies into remote operations and significantly boosted revenues. With a strong background in customer service, leadership, strategic planning, and operations management, Michael excels in driving growth and innovation in the call center space.

Mike is also a proud Board Member for R.E.A.C.H Trade Group, promoting consumer protection and satisfaction and Co-host of the Off Skripted Podcast – a show about Life, Call Centers and everything in between.

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