Is Apple Product-Centric or Customer-Centric? A Conversation with Colin Shaw

Is Apple Product-Centric or Customer-Centric? A Conversation with Colin Shaw


How can businesses genuinely embrace customer-centricity? Do companies like Apple genuinely prioritize their customers, or do they place their products above all else? These pressing questions guide our conversation with Colin Shaw.

With a career spanning decades, Colin Shaw, the founder and CEO of Beyond Philosophy, brings firsthand experience to the evolving world of customer experience. With seven best-selling books under his belt and recognition as a LinkedIn Top Voice and influencer in customer experience and marketing, he’s a trailblazer in his field.

Interestingly, the landscape of customer experience (CX) has transformed over the years. Colin reflects on this evolution, highlighting that many companies now acknowledge the paramount importance of nurturing meaningful customer relationships. But has the transition from a product-centric to a customer-centric approach been fully implemented?

Apple, the tech giant renowned for its innovative products, frequently takes the spotlight. But does its innovation translate into a customer-centric philosophy? Colin sheds light on Apple’s integrated nature, global reach, and customer convenience. Nevertheless, he doesn’t shy away from acknowledging recent shortcomings in Apple’s customer service. Even industry titans like Apple can stumble in their quest for an ideal customer experience.

Colin’s approach goes beyond theory; it yields tangible results. One of his services provides compelling evidence that cultivating emotions such as trust, care, and satisfaction directly correlates with revenue growth and enhancements in Net Promoter Score (NPS).

For companies like Maersk and many others, this evidence-based approach is indispensable. They prioritize data-driven insights and measurable outcomes over vague notions. Evidence-based strategies enable organizations to substantiate their investments and efforts aimed at enhancing the customer experience.

In business, it’s universally accepted that fostering customer relationships is invaluable. However, the deeper layers of emotion often go unnoticed. As Colin aptly puts it, “Everyone talks about the importance of a relationship, and having a relationship with their customer is key, but they never really realize what that is.”

Colin Shaw’s insights illuminate the dynamic landscape of customer experience. Through the adoption of a customer-centric mindset, the comprehension of emotions, and the strategic application of behavioral science, businesses can navigate present challenges and embark on a path toward delivering outstanding customer experiences.


Blake Morgan is a customer experience futurist and the bestselling author of The Customer of the FutureFor regular updates on customer experience, sign up for her weekly newsletter here

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