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JotForm vs Cognito Forms: Choose the Right Form Builder For You

Kate Williams

Last Updated:  

19 January 2024

7 min read

Are you caught between choosing Jotform or Cognito Forms for your surveys?

In the world of online data collection, choosing the right tool is vital for your surveys. But worry not! Relax, for we’ve already done the research for you!

So, are you ready for the lowdown on Jotform vs Cognito Forms?

Off we go!

Psst…I have also included a detailed table of comparison at the end!

Let’s start with…

What is Jotform?


Jotfrom is more like a form sculptor. Do you know what I mean? 

It’s not your typical form builder.

Whether diving into the form-building realm for the first time or being around the block, Jotform stands out as the tool that speaks your language.

But it’s not just about simplicity. It’s about style, too. The platform lets you dress up your forms to match your brand’s unique vibe.

Templates are where Jotform shines. It’s like having a library of blueprints for every occasion. Need a contact form? A survey? An event registration? Jotform’s got it covered, saving you from the tedious task of starting from scratch.

Let’s look at some unique features of Jotform, shall we?

Why Choose Jotform?

Here is a quick view of the key features:


Let’s dive a little deeper, shall we?

1. Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Interface

The intuitive drag-and-drop interface lets you design forms effortlessly. No coding headaches. All you need to do is drag the elements you need and drop them into place. It’s form creation made as easy as pie.

2. Extensive Form Customization Options

Personalize your forms to match your brand’s identity with extensive customization options. From color schemes to font choices, you can style your forms just as you want.

3. Diverse Template Library

Jotform spoils you with a vast library of pre-designed templates for every occasion. Whether running a survey, hosting an event, or gathering contact information, Jotform’s templates have you covered, saving you time and effort.

4. Seamless Payment Integration

Transform your forms into a transactional powerhouse with seamless payment integration. Ideal for businesses, this feature enables you to collect payments or fees directly through your forms, streamlining your financial processes.

5. Advanced Analytics and Reporting

Jotform doesn’t just collect data. It also interprets it intelligently. The analytics features offer valuable insights into form performance, helping you make informed decisions based on actual data trends.

6. Conditional Logic Expertise

The conditional logic feature lets you create dynamic forms that adapt based on user inputs. It’s like having a form that responds intelligently to each user, making the experience more personalized and efficient.

7. Versatile Widget Collection

Enhance your forms with the versatile widget collection. From interactive maps to signature fields, these widgets add functionality and interactivity to your forms, ensuring they meet your unique requirements.

8. Secure Data Handling Practices

Security is a top priority with Jotform. Benefit from secure data transmission, encryption, and compliance with industry regulations. Your form data is handled with the utmost care and protection.


Versatility in Templates: Jotform boasts an extensive library of pre-designed templates, making it a go-to for various form needs. Whether it’s a survey, event registration, or feedback form, the platform has you covered.


Customization Learning Curve: While the platform offers extensive customization options, some users might find the learning curve a bit steep when attempting to implement more detailed design elements.

Read More: Jotform alternatives

What is Cognito Forms?


If Jotform is a sculptor, Cognito Forms is like an architect!

It allows users to construct intricate and functional online forms.

It steps beyond the basics, catering to those who crave more than just a standard Q&A format in their forms. So, if you are a data enthusiast, Cognito Forms is your playground!

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. Cognito Forms is the go-to tool for calculations and currency tasks within forms.

It’s designed for teamwork, bringing a collaborative angle to form creation. However, advanced encryption features protect sensitive information from prying eyes.


Why Choose Cognito Forms?

Take a sneak peek first:


1. Smart Forms with Conditional Logic

Cognito Forms goes beyond basic forms by introducing intelligent features. Conditional logic allows the form to adjust dynamically based on user responses, ensuring a personalized and efficient interaction tailored to each user.

2. Math Magic

It’s about making data work for you. The platform enables mathematical operations within forms, making it ideal for scenarios where calculations or financial transactions are integral to the form’s purpose.

3. Multi-Page Forms

To enhance user experience, Cognito Forms introduces multi-page forms. Breaking down extensive forms into manageable sections, this feature ensures a more user-friendly interaction, reducing form fatigue and enhancing completion rates.

4. Teamwork Made Easy

Collaboration is at the core! It provides a virtual workspace where team members can seamlessly collaborate in real-time, refining and building forms collectively. It’s a shared platform fostering effective teamwork in form creation.

5. Data Security

It is the Fort Knox for your data. Security is paramount with Cognito Forms. Employing advanced encryption measures, the platform is a digital fortress! It safeguards sensitive information and data confidentiality. Users can trust their data is handled with the highest standards of security.

6. Easy File Uploads

The form builder simplifies the file upload process within forms and ensures a hassle-free experience. Users can effortlessly attach and submit files, streamlining communication and data exchange between form creators and respondents.

7. Notifications That Get Your Attention

Stay informed and responsive with Cognito Forms’ notification feature. It acts as a friendly alert system, notifying form creators when submissions occur ensuring prompt attention to form activity.

8. Entry Sharing

It introduces an organized approach to data management. Users can selectively share specific form entries with others, creating a structured and collaborative system for efficient data sharing within teams.


Numerical Precision: Cognito Forms brings numbers to life within your forms, allowing seamless mathematical operations. It is ideal for users who need to make calculations or manage financial transactions effortlessly.


Limited Design Flexibility: While powerful in functionality, the platform offers fewer design customization options than some competitors.

Jotform vs Cognito Forms: A Comparison

Research Needs

Jotform and Cognito Forms do things differently when it comes to helping you with your research. Jotform has many ready-to-use templates for different stuff, making it super easy. Cognito Forms, on the other hand, is more into smart forms with fancy features, making it great for specific and detailed research.

Payment Integration

Both Jotform and Cognito Forms have you covered when getting paid through your forms. Jotform is like a payment guru, supporting many ways for people to pay you.

Cognito Forms is no slouch either. It also lets you connect with different payment methods, ensuring you have options. Whether you like Jotform’s variety or Cognito Forms’ flexibility, both make payments easy in your forms.

Here are the most important payment integrations of the two platforms:

JotformCognito Forms
PayPal BusinessPayPal
PayPal Payments ProStripe
Stripe CheckoutSquare


Both Jotform and Cognito Forms can handle a bunch of stuff, but they do it differently. Jotform is a friendly guide for all users, from beginners to pros. Cognito Forms is more like a superhero for users who want to do complex stuff with their forms, like using math or tricky logic.

Ease of Use

Jotform keeps things simple with a drag-and-drop tool that’s easy for everyone. Cognito Forms, though powerful, might need a bit more time to learn, especially if you want to do fancy things with it.

HIPAA Compliance

If you’re dealing with healthcare, both Jotform and Cognito Forms have everything figured out. Jotform follows the rules for healthcare data (HIPAA compliant), and while not shouting about it, Cognito Forms takes data security seriously.

Data Security

Both make sure your data stays safe. Jotform takes care of how data travels and is stored securely. Cognito Forms uses fancy codes to protect your data from anyone snooping around.

Pricing Budget

Let’s talk money now!

You get a lot of choices. Jotform has different plans, including a free one, so you can pick what suits your wallet. Cognito Forms also has a free plan, making sure there’s something for everyone.

JotformPriceCognito Forms  Price
Silver (Best Value)$39Team$35
EnterpriseContact Sales

Hold on, before we go any further, let me share a game-changer that brings together the best of both Jotform and Cognito Forms.

SurveySparrow is a survey platform that nails the sweet spot between easy-peasy and advanced features. Its simple setup and friendly survey design keep things smooth and interesting for your respondents.

Plus, it has the tech stuff covered with integrations and solid analytics, helping you dig deep into your survey results for valuable insights.
Ready to level up your survey game? Check out SurveySparrow!

Table of Comparison – SurveySparrow | Jotform| Cognito Forms

FeaturesSurveySparrowJotformCognito Forms
PricingStarts at $19/monthStarts at $ 34/monthStarts at $15/month
Advanced FeaturesConversational Surveys

Offline Surveys

Advanced Form Builder

Payment Forms

Conditional Logic

Integration Options

Ease of UseIntuitive interface, User-friendly designFeature-rich with a learning curveBeginner-friendly, Simple Form Creation
Target AudienceBusinesses of all sizesIndividuals, SMBs, EnterprisesIndividuals, Small Businesses

Jotform vs Cognito Forms: Wrap Up!

So, here’s the deal: Jotform is your buddy for easy forms, tons of templates, and simple payments. It’s like the laid-back friend who keeps things chill.

On the other hand, Cognito Forms is the brainiac. It rocks advanced features for specific needs. Maybe a bit more on the serious side. Both are good with your data, won’t cost you an arm and a leg, and bring something unique.

Whether you want conversational and engaging (SurveySparrow), easy and versatile (Jotform), or smart and specific (Cognito Forms), the choice is yours. Sign up, try them out, and see which one clicks for you!

Kate Williams

Content Marketer at SurveySparrow

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