Customer Experience

Updated On: Apr 1, 2024

What Is Ticket Deflection & Why To Adopt It Through KM?

Reading-Time 9 Min

Contact centers today are equipped with the latest technology for digitally transforming how they solve customers’ troubles. But think of this- even if you have the technology to solve your customer’s problems, you need to pick up their call actually to be able to address their issues.


Your support tickets keep increasing, and your customer support executives are exhausted from handling daily calls. To add to it, what about when your agents are not around, and your customers still have queries. The best possible solution, in this case, is to have ticket deflection.

What is ticket deflection?

Ticket deflection is the most efficient customer service method to transfer your customer’s support tickets through a self-service portal or automated chatbots.

Support ticket deflection has a lot of benefits. Mostly it takes care of your customers and the experience they have. 

Agitated customers lead to contact centers; overworking their employees to keep customers happy is not the best bargain. Ticket deflection in this scenario helps contact centers do their maximum possible. 

It is a common misconception that deflecting a support ticket is terrible because it makes it look like organizations do not care about their customers. Still, it is the best thing an organization can enable to keep their customers happy.

Why Choose Knowledge Management For Customer Support Ticket Deflection?

A robust AI-backed knowledge base software is the right way to deflect your customer’s tickets. The following are ways that customer support ticket deflection happens through knowledge management platforms. 

1. Chatbot support 

  • Ticket deflection can happen by integrating your knowledge base with chatbots. With Natural Language Processing, customers feel like they are talking to an actual human being.
  • Chatbots can answer questions whose answers are fed on the knowledge base by the content management team.
  • Customers can talk to the automated chatbot without calling for troubleshooting or support. 

2. Self-help guides 

  • With a knowledge management platform, you can create a knowledge base of self-help guides in-article formats. 
  • The knowledge base articles would help customers read through and understand information themselves.
  • Getting important information about any product or service beforehand helps customers navigate through what they need without having to call.

3. FAQs for troubleshooting 

  • The most common support portals are frequently asked questions. Frequently asked questions are a must-have on customer self-service portals. 
  • Through the knowledge management system, you can create and publish frequently asked questions on websites, on your apps, and on your customer’s emails. 
  • Support ticket deflection for frequently asked questions saves time and energy on customers’ and contact centers’ ends. 

4. Visual support guides

  • Knowledge management platforms like Knowmax understand that customers deserve the best, so we have visual guides for self-service.
  • Visual guides have step-by-step troubleshooting for problems with devices or applications and so on with an image attachment. 
  • Visual guides minimize the need to call for customer support since seeing a guide with image support would make a customer engaged and solves problems with less effort. 

5. 24*7 support

  • Powered by knowledge management, your knowledge base can be available to customers throughout the day at any time. 
  • Knowledge management enables customers to seek solutions to their problems through the aforementioned formats. 
  • Ticket deflection can happen even while you are asleep, as the knowledge base system will care for all your customer needs. 

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5 Benefits Of Adopting Ticket Deflection Through Knowledge Management 

1. Cost-cutting

With KM tools in place, you can disseminate knowledge to enable self-service to customers. Through this, costs to the company can be reduced. This is because even if the number of support tickets increases, a contact center would not need to hire agents but instead take the help of self-service to divert calls.

2. Customer experience

Customer experience is increased through knowledge management for self-service. Having interactive self-service guides will improve customers’ experience while troubleshooting problems and leave them less agitated at the end of the activity. Improved customer service leads to exceptional customer satisfaction. 

3. Increased ASAT

Contact center agents are humans too. They cannot handle more calls because of increasing support tickets. Implementing a knowledge management platform would help with ticket deflection & improvement ASAT, thereby reducing the load on the agent and making them happy. 

4. Resolve more support tickets 

Customer’s problems keep increasing. The more you penetrate into the market and the more customers you have. But that shouldn’t stop you from solving customer problems with the same ease as earlier. Do not stall your customers or keep them on long holds with knowledge base tools in place. 

5. Brand loyalty 

Customers care about a brand when they show in actions that they are trying to help its customers in every way possible. So when a customer knows you as a brand, care for each customer, no matter how trivial the question they have, it helps improve respect for the brand; thereby, the customer will want to stay longer for the brand’s product or service. 

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Ticket deflection is no longer taboo.

Accepting the number of tickets you get is more than your contact center can handle is okay.

Instead of hiring more talent, contact centers can adopt ticket-deflection methods by implementing a knowledge management platform to enhance their CX. Enabling self-service helps your organization in remarkable ways apart from just ticket deflection. There is no better time than now for fresh beginnings.

Nitin Saxena

Sr. Vice President

Nitin has 25 years of experience working at companies like HP and Mphasis. For more than 14 years, he has been a key figure at KocharTech (Knowmax's parent company), skillfully navigating operations, training, and quality management responsibilities across international and domestic sectors. Currently, he oversees Business Operations at Maxicus.

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