Artificial Intelligence

Updated On: Apr 1, 2024

What Are Knowledge Base FAQs? [Best Practices & Benefits Included]

Reading-Time 10 Min

Making customers happy today is a nerve-wracking task. With organizations struggling to train their agents to deliver the best customer experiences. However, with growing digitalization, it is time to realize that agents alone cannot meet heightened customer expectations, combined with the fact that customers want instant responses 24/7. 

knowledgebase faqs

Here, creating knowledge base FAQs that can work as an extension of agents is the way forward to meet customers’ expectations and also to improve operational efficiency.   

What are Knowledge base FAQs?

Knowledge base FAQs are an online repository of information that can be accessed by internal teams as well as customers to find answers to their questions instantly. In a fast-paced customer service world, having a robust FAQs page to meet customers’ demands is extremely important.

When are Knowledge base FAQs appropriate to use?

While Knowledge base FAQs consolidate the most frequently asked questions, it is essential to note that frequently asked questions should be created only for the issues that can be effectively explained in a few paragraphs.

KB FAQs need not necessarily have complex queries, even if customers commonly ask them.

Why do companies need Knowledge base FAQs?

  • 70% of customers expect company websites to include some form of self-service application. Knowledge base FAQs are one of the most efficient ways to boost customer satisfaction by giving them the agency to choose their preferred channel. 
  • Customer support through KB FAQs is also cost-effective. A conversation with a live support rep costs between $6-12, while an automated customer interaction costs as little as 25 cents. This offers a significant growth opportunity for businesses to save costs by documenting the most commonly asked queries and free agents to focus on critical concerns.

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3 Benefits of having knowledge base FAQs implemented

1. Reduced time to resolutions

  •  Self-service options like Knowledge base FAQs reduce the average time to resolve queries. With documented FAQs, agents need not rely on their memory to answer customers and can quickly use FAQs to help customers. 
  • Customers who do not prefer contacting agents for primary concerns can read the instructions quickly to solve issues independently. In both cases, customer and agent experience improves, and the time to resolution reduces. 

2. Bolsters agent productivity 

  • Knowledge base frequently asked questions are a definitive reference source for agents to identify the solutions to customers’ problems quickly. This saves them long search times and helps them resolve more support tickets in their daily workflow. 
  • With Knowledge base FAQs, agents can deflect tickets to self-service portals, which has two-pronged benefits of delivering adequate service to customers and enabling agents to focus on relatively more complicated queries.  

3. Increased Customer satisfaction(C-SAT) with reduced costs 

  • Empowering customers to help themselves instead of waiting in long ticket queues 
  • Reducing the inbound call traffic at contact centers by documenting the repetitive queries 
  • Offloading agents’ work from answering primary queries to helping them focus on more meaningful tasks  

4 Best practices for creating Knowledge base FAQs

1. Research extensively on customers’ problems 

  • The best way to start is by closely looking at the support tickets. This will help identify customers’ common problems in different phases of their journey. 
  • Moving forward, Google Analytics can help draw insights from customers’ most searched keywords to search for a company’s product and services. This goes a long way in framing a sound content strategy for building FAQs. 
  • Involving experienced agents and making them active participants in creating knowledge base FAQs helps in documenting solutions for problems customers are forced to call. This will help lay the foundation for KB FAQs and deliver effective self-service. 

2. Give a logical organization to FAQs for seamless navigation 

  • Since the very purpose of FAQs is to help customers find solutions instantly and effortlessly, it is crucial to accord suitable structure to FAQs. 
  • Adding categories and subcategories according to topics helps organize content, makes it easy on the eye, and makes it convenient for users to navigate their way through the knowledge base. There is no universal rule for organizing an FAQ page, but the idea is to work out the best structure to make navigation seamless for customers. 
  • For seamless navigation, it is also crucial to ensure that every knowledge needed to solve a problem is available in a single place. With an AI-powered knowledge base like Knowmax, while creating FAQs, additional information can be added in the form of articles, notes, and visual device guides This is to help support agents and customers quickly find solutions to their problems without having to search different platforms. 

3. Keep the information concise and easy to understand 

  • While creating knowledge base FAQs, it is essential to remember that customers may not be well-versed with the technical jargon of a company’s product. Therefore, content should be simple and self-explanatory. 
  • Content should be formatted adequately for customers to grasp the essential instructions quickly. Suppose a query requires much more information than a handful of paragraphs can accommodate. In that case, it is crucial to link reference articles or relevant visuals to make it easy for customers and agents to find solutions. 

4. Maintain an FAQ creation cycle 

  • Creating Knowledge base FAQs is an ongoing process. The FAQ creation cycle extends beyond content creation to tracking its performance to drawing insights from user engagement with content to improve it regularly. 
  • Maintaining this FAQ cycle is crucial to delivering relevant self-service. With the Knowmax knowledge base, organizations can leverage micro-segmented analytics to track agent engagement with KB FAQs and draw actionable insights from the auto-generated content performance reports. The time spent on each FAQ, top searched keyword, and top-performing FAQs can be identified to optimize the KB FAQs regularly.  

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Knowledge base FAQs help organizations meet customers’ expectations for instant and accurate solutions across touchpoints. It helps strengthen self-service capabilities that improve customer satisfaction and save operational costs.

To create successful KB FAQs, it is essential to begin researching customers’ problems and according to a sound structure to the documentation of its solutions.

Moving forward, it is necessary to keep the content simple and track its performance regularly to deliver top-notch customer service across touchpoints.

Yatharth Jain


Yatharth has over 8 years of experience in CX, KM, and BPM. He founded Knowmax to make knowledge a genuine superpower for CX teams. He blends his experience working with CX and KM leaders across industries with the latest technology trends to build products people love.

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