The G2 Winter Reports Are Out, And NobelBiz OMNI+ is Named a High Performer


G2 Winter Reports 2022 Badges NobelBiz


At NobelBiz, we measure success by the trustworthiness of our business and the social proof that comes from our customers.

Our mission is to help contact centers worldwide achieve their maximum productivity potential and provide our clients and the market with all the necessary tools to succeed. This rests heavily on our ability to bring moments of social proof to life for our customers.

We are proud to announce that we just received the best Christmas ever. The results of Winter’s G2 reports – the world’s largest tech marketplace for peer-to-peer software reviews – are in.

NobelBiz OMNI+ has been awarded the High Performer Badge, ranking #36 in the Contact Center Category. Alongside achieving the High Performer status across this category, NobelBiz has received two additional badges:

  • Easiest to do business with a score of 100% (Likelihood to Recommend, Ease of Doing Business With)
  • Ease of use (Meets Requirements).

We are thrilled to hold onto these titles due to having the highest overall rankings in each of the corresponding Index Report categories.


In terms of Market presence, we are also featured on the Auto Dialer category grid under High Performer (G2’s Market Presence score is a combination of more than 15 data points from G2’s user reviews, publicly available information, and third-party sources. Source- G2).


Steve Bederman, CEO of NobelBiz: ‘We are so grateful to our customers for their reviews, kind words, and support in pushing our products constantly to be one step ahead of the times regarding technology, compliance, workforce management, and so on.

We cannot achieve this without our complete contact center solution, the great cooperation with our dearest clients, and the hard work of our employees.’

Needless to say, it is a great honor to be featured in a G2 report this year. We will not rest on our laurels, and we will use this proof to continue to innovate our cloud call center software platform so our customers can build better experiences for their customers.

The G2 reports come out every quarter and clearly indicate B2B tech buyer validation. The best-performing companies are awarded badges based on reviews submitted by verified customers. It is the go-to destination to discover, manage and review the technology businesses need to reach their potential.

All in all, this is a great way to end 2022, and we are looking forward to keeping this momentum in 2023 and seeing what it brings!

To read NobelBiz Omni+’s reviews, head this way. Or, to book a platform demo – and see what this is all about – contact our team now.

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