5 Reasons Why I Love Customer Experience Day

Have you been to the CXPA’s Insight Exchange or to one of our local networking events? They’re great. Why? Because CX professionals are a fantastic bunch of people. If you haven’t been to one of those events, then I highly urge that you do so in the future.

CX professionals are a happy group. In Temkin Group’s research, State of the CX Profession, 2014 (which is free for CXPA members), we found that 98% of CX professionals agree with the statement “customer experience is a great profession to be in.” Let’s face it, CX professionals are a fun, engaging community!

If we can create a lot of positive energy from pulling together dozens of CX professionals, think about the power of pulling together thousands or 10’s of thousands of them. That’s why we created Customer Experience Day (CX Day).

CXDay_TitledCX Day will be celebrated this year on October 7th (the first Tuesday in October). Last year was the first year of CX Day and it was a huge success. I expect that this year’s CX Day celebration will be even bigger and better. Make sure to visit the CXDay.org site to see all of the plans.

As you can probably tell, I’m a huge fan of CX Day. Yes, I’m a bit biased. While I pushed for the creation of CX Day, I truly believe that it is an important holiday for all CX professionals. Here are the top five reasons why I love CX Day

  1. It shines a light on CX professionals. Every day across the world, CX professionals are doing amazing things to improve their organizations. The CX Impact Awards will recognize some of those wonderful people, but the entire day allows all of us to feel good about what we do.
  2. It raises the visibility of customer experience. Our research shows that customer experience correlates to customer loyalty. That’s no surprise to CX professionals, but it’s important for a broader audience of leaders to understand the value of CX. All of the CX Day celebrations will help build awareness and our webinar with Mercedes-Benz USA’s CEO will hopefully show other senior executives why they should care about CX.
  3. It provides a reason to engage your organization. CX is a team effort, which is dependent on almost everyone in an organization. Lots of companies held internal parties and other celebrations to engage all their employees, either as a way to thank them or to help them understand the importance of CX. There’s a wide array of ways that companies can hold internal CX Day celebrations.
  4. It provides a reason to engage your customers. CX Day is a great opportunity to connect with your customers and bring them into the celebration. While you should appreciate customers every day, CX Day is an opportunity to provide them with a little extra love. This year we’ve even created an #IHeartCustomers” logo, which will be used in a fun social media campaign. Temkin Group has created an array of activities to show our thanks for everyone who follows our research.
  5. It reminds me of how proud I am of the CXPA. Making CX Day come to life requires a lot of effort from a lot of people. We have dozens of volunteers across the world who are working together to make CX Day a success. This large-scale collaboration is only possible because of the CXPA’s ability to provide leadership and instill a common purpose for its members.

If you’re a CX professional, then CX Day is YOUR HOLIDAY! Visit CXDay.org and find ways to join in the celebration.

The bottom line: Mark CX Day on your calendar for October 7th!

About Bruce Temkin, CCXP
I'm an experience (XM) management catalyst; helping organizations improve results by engaging the hearts and minds of their employees, customers, and partners. I enjoy researching and speaking about these topics. I lead the Qualtrics XM Institute, which is the world's best job. We're igniting a global community of XM Professionals who are inspired and empowered to radically improve the human experience. To achieve this goal, my team focuses on thought leadership, training, and community building. My work is driven by a set of fundamental beliefs: 1) Everything starts and ends with human beings, so you need to understand how people think, feel, and behave; 2) XM is a discipline that needs to be woven throughout an organization's entire operating fabric; and 3) Building the XM discipline requires a combination of culture, competency, and technology.

2 Responses to 5 Reasons Why I Love Customer Experience Day

  1. Hi, Thanks for the email. Do you know of any CX professionals here in Mumbai, India.
    Thanks for your reply in advance.

    Saji Varghese

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