How To Boost Customer Desire vs Tolerance Of Your Experience

customer desire graphic

Customer desire is an emotion, and emotions can bond you with your customer. Companies that understand the powerful emotional pull of customer desire obsess about getting to know their customers and learning their desires. (And sometimes those desires can be simple. Go back to listening to customers and learn how achievable customer desire may be.)

Think of experiences you’ve had that were astounding in how they impacted you. Isn’t there is a desire to repeat those experiences? Most likely it’s not only because of the utility that was delivered, but how you were treated and how the experience made you feel.

When you tap into emotions and customer desires, you open up a world of possibilities that can capture the imagination of your business. This is the frontier of experience innovation.

Reliable Experience is the Foundation to Create Customer Desire

The first step in building customer desire is the delivery of a reliable experience to your customer – this means your service is reliable at every point of contact with your customers. If you’re still dishing out random experiences, your customers tolerate you and they will move on.

Here are four customer touch points that are opportunities to establish reliability and future differentiation:

  1. Responding to customer needs
  2. Managing customers at risk
  3. Increasing bond with relevant value add
  4. Earning the right to revenue growth

Failure to perform during these critical moments will either disappoint customers when they expect reliability, cause you to miss your moment to rescue a customer at risk or add value, or decrease your wallet share.

Customer-centric companies go beyond executing tasks to delivering points of contact that connect to the underlying emotions and needs of their customers. They have achieved reliable experience and focus on memory creation to deliver an experience their customers desire. These companies build lasting bonds with their customers.

By being there for customers, on their terms, they earn the right to have their story told by legions of customers who want others to experience what they’ve experienced. These companies earn the right to grow.

How to Boost Customer Desire

  • Imagine customers in their lives.
  • Get to know them. Learn customers’ aspirations, needs, and desires and become a part of their lives.
  • Understand what is important to them.
  • Obsess about the moments when you intersect their life.
  • Deliver something that makes those moments better.

With your actions, show customers that you make decisions with their point of view in mind. When you do, they’ll buy more from you. And tell everyone they know.

Customer-centric companies won’t operate from the middle of the road of indecision and non-commitment.  They think and rethink how they will conduct themselves so they can constantly earn the right to customers’ continued business.

Customer Desire Take Away

You can’t earn desire or create indelible remembrances of the customer experience without reliability. I harp on about the phrase “earn the right to grow.” If you deliver a reliable experience that’s connected to emotions that are important to your customer (think memory creation), your customers will desire to have it again. Desire is an emotion that will earn growth and prosperity for your business.

Within the 5-competency framework, Competency 4 (Experience Reliability & Innovation) builds the discipline to deliver reliability and earn customer desire.


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