Small and growing businesses frequently find themselves in a cash crunch. Companies are usually limited to a bank loan or an investor who will buy a piece of your business for the capital infusion to acquire more cash. But there is a third alternative – Revenue-based financing (RBF) based on recurring revenue.

This article appeared in Thomas Insights and was published on February 24, 2022. To read the complete article, please tap here.

For another perspective on recurring revenue, tap here.

After I wrote the Thomas Insights article and the first version of this post, a friend told me about a company called pipe. When I looked at their website, I felt compelled to share this with you and talk a little about the company. First, the pipe value proposition:

Pipe transforms recurring revenue into up-front capital for growth without dilution or restrictive debt.

Their website tells their story very well, and if you are interested in this subject, you should look.

To read more about recurring revenue, read Recurring Revenue Could Be Your Business’ Key to Securing Sales.

About Middlesex Consulting

At Middlesex Consulting, we partner with the field service teams of B2B capital equipment companies challenged to grow their top and bottom lines. We use value creation, services marketing, and customer experience techniques to identify and create service offers that achieve customers’ desired business outcomes. To discuss how we can grow your business write to Sam here.