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Top 30 Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions to Ask

100 Customer Satisfaction Questions to Measure Customer Happiness

Never-before-seen products, best-in-class services, and commitment towards customers – if you have these three, success is guaranteed.

But, simply achieving success is not enough!

With the market dynamics and customer needs constantly changing, only a few businesses thrive – those that can retain the success they receive by continuously working towards betterment.

And how do you do that? By aligning your strategies and decisions with customers’ needs, expectations, likes, and dislikes.

That’s where customer satisfaction survey come to light. They offer a sure-shot way to keep customers delighted and turn them into your biggest brand advocates. While anyone can create customer satisfaction surveys, asking the right questions is what requires effort and expertise. This blog presents a carefully curated list of top 40 customer satisfaction survey questions you can ask your customers.

Types of Customer Satisfaction Survey

Measuring customer satisfaction is crucial for businesses to understand how well they are meeting customer expectations and to identify areas for improvement. There are several key metrics and methods for measuring customer satisfaction through surveys:

Net Promoter Score (NPS):

NPS is a widely used metric that assesses customer loyalty and likelihood to recommend a company’s products or services to others.
Survey question: “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?”
Promoters (score 9-10), Passives (score 7-8), and Detractors (score 0-6) are categorized, and the NPS is calculated as the percentage of Promoters minus the percentage of Detractors.

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT):

CSAT measures a customer’s satisfaction with a specific interaction or experience.
Survey question: “How satisfied are you with your recent experience with our company/product/service?” (usually on a scale from 1 to 5 or 1 to 7).

Customer Effort Score (CES):

CES assesses the ease of a customer’s experience with a particular task, such as resolving an issue or making a purchase.
Survey question: “On a scale from very difficult to very easy, how easy was it to [complete the task] with our company/product/service?”

30 Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions

Today, at every click and swipe, customers get multiple brands to choose from. For them, your competitor is just a click away. One poor experience, and the tables can turn against you.

Thus, here we have listed 30 most relevant questions which you can ask for getting constructive feedback from them. To make it easier, we have categorized them in three major categories.

Top 10 Customer Service Experience Questions

Here are 10 customer service experience questions that can help you assess and improve your customer service:

  1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your overall experience with our customer service?
    • This question provides a quantitative measure of customer satisfaction.
  2. What specific aspects of our service did you find most satisfying?
    • This helps identify the strengths of your customer service.
  3. Were there any aspects of our service that you found unsatisfactory or could be improved?
    • This helps pinpoint areas that may need improvement.
  4. Did our customer service representative(s) address your concerns effectively?
    • This assesses the effectiveness of problem resolution.
  5. How would you describe the friendliness and professionalism of our customer service team?
    • This gauges the interpersonal skills of your staff.
  6. Were you able to easily reach our customer service when you needed assistance?
    • This assesses accessibility and response times.
  7. Did you feel that our team listened to your concerns attentively?
    • This evaluates active listening skills.
  8. Were you provided with clear and accurate information or solutions to your questions or issues?
    • This checks the quality of information provided.
  9. Did you feel valued and appreciated as a customer during your interaction with us?
    • This measures the customer’s perception of being valued.
  10. Would you recommend our company to others based on your customer service experience?
    • This helps gauge the likelihood of customer advocacy and referrals.

These questions can be used in surveys, feedback forms, or during post-interaction interviews to gather valuable insights and improve your customer service experience.

Top 10 Customer Loyalty Questions

Customer loyalty is crucial for the success of any business. Asking the right questions can help you understand your customers’ needs, build stronger relationships, and enhance their loyalty. Here are the top 10 customer loyalty questions to consider:

  1. How likely are you to recommend our products/services to a friend or colleague?
    • This Net Promoter Score (NPS) question helps gauge overall customer satisfaction and likelihood of referrals.
  2. What do you like most about our products/services?
    • Understanding what customers appreciate can help you reinforce these positive aspects.
  3. What do you think we could improve or do differently?
    • Soliciting feedback for improvement shows you value their opinions and are committed to making positive changes.
  4. How often do you use our products/services?
    • Monitoring usage frequency helps identify loyal customers and areas for potential expansion.
  5. Have you had any issues or challenges while using our products/services?
    • Identifying and addressing problems promptly can prevent customer churn.
  6. How would you rate our customer service and support?
    • Good customer service is a key driver of loyalty, so regular assessment is essential.
  7. What other products/services would you like us to offer?
    • Understanding customers’ unmet needs can help you expand your product/service offerings.
  8. How long have you been a customer, and what keeps you coming back?
    • This question helps identify long-term loyal customers and the factors contributing to their loyalty.
  9. Would you be interested in participating in a loyalty program or rewards program?
    • Offering incentives can further boost customer loyalty and engagement.
  10. Is there anything specific you’d like to see in our future offerings or improvements?
    • Gathering insights into future expectations helps ensure you continue to meet customer needs.

Remember that asking these questions is just the first step. Act on the feedback you receive to improve your products, services, and customer experience, ultimately fostering stronger customer loyalty.

Top 10 Website/User Experience Questions

Here are the top 10 website and user experience (UX) questions that can help you evaluate and improve your website:

  1. What is the Purpose of Your Website?
    • Understanding the primary goal of your website is crucial. Is it for e-commerce, information sharing, lead generation, or something else? This question sets the foundation for your entire design.
  2. Who is Your Target Audience?
    • Define your target audience’s demographics, interests, and needs. Tailoring your website to their preferences ensures a better user experience.
  3. Is Your Website Mobile-Friendly and Responsive?
    • Given the increasing use of mobile devices, it’s vital to ensure your website is responsive and provides a seamless experience across various screen sizes.
  4. How Fast Does Your Website Load?
    • Slow loading times can drive users away. Check your website’s loading speed and optimize it for a smoother user experience.
  5. Is Your Navigation Intuitive?
    • Can users easily find what they’re looking for? Ensure your website’s navigation is user-friendly with clear menus and a logical structure.
  6. Is Your Content Engaging and Relevant?
    • High-quality, relevant content keeps users engaged. Regularly update your content and make sure it addresses the needs and interests of your audience.
  7. Are Calls to Action (CTAs) Clear and Effective?
    • Evaluate the placement and wording of your CTAs. They should guide users toward your desired actions, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up, or contacting you.
  8. Is Your Website Accessible to All Users?
    • Ensure your website is accessible to people with disabilities. This includes providing alternative text for images, readable fonts, and keyboard navigation options.
  9. Are You Gathering User Feedback?
    • Implement feedback mechanisms such as surveys or feedback forms to collect user opinions and identify areas for improvement.
  10. Have You Conducted Usability Testing?
    • Test your website with real users to uncover any usability issues. This can reveal insights into how users interact with your site and help you make necessary improvements.

These questions should help you assess and enhance the user experience on your website, ultimately leading to increased user satisfaction and achieving your website’s goals.

Let’s now look at some tips and tricks to create impactful customer satisfaction surveys.

Top Tips to Build Stunning Customer Satisfaction Surveys

The below-given tips will help you build stunning surveys for your customers and maximize your chances of receiving honest feedback.

Get the Best Survey Software

Watch: How to Choose the Best Survey Software

With countless survey tools available in the market, getting the right one can feel challenging. Opt for a survey maker tool that helps you create, customize, and launch different types of surveys such as pop-up, scored, NPS, sidebar, and more across email, social media, websites, etc. It should offer the option to add multiple question types to surveys, measure survey performance and evaluate feedback with built-in analytics.

Choose the Right Types of Survey Questions

Before creating a survey, have some clarity regarding your end goal. What kind of data do you want to collect? Are you looking for detailed answers, simple Yes/No answers, or straightforward answers?

If you are looking for comprehensive answers, then you may want to consider open-ended questions. If you are looking for feedback that is quick to sort and analyze and helps you identify trends easily, then multiple-choice, Yes/No, and Likert scale questions work well.

Before you kick-start the survey process, think of what information you need from customers. The data you need directly relates to the problem your business is facing. For instance, customer churn might be bothering you, so you may want to check customers’ loyalty towards your brand. In that case, questions related to customer loyalty should be asked.

Demographic questions are best if you want to launch a new product and do a surface-level survey about who your potential customers are. They help you gain basic information about your customers, such as their age, place of residence, occupation, income level, etc.

Share Surveys at a Suitable Time

Timing is critical when it comes to surveys. Wrong timing can wane the chances of receiving honest feedback from your target audience. On the contrary, when the timing is right and in sync with the customers’ journey, they are able to provide thoughtful feedback about their experiences.

The ideal time to send the survey is just after customers have interacted with your agents. Since the interaction is fresh in their mind, they can give the most genuine feedback. You can also send the survey a few days after the purchase. Give customers some time to use your product and then ask them how happy or unhappy they are, what’s bothering them, and what you can do to improve.

Test Your Surveys Before Sharing Them

A/B testing helps you test the effectiveness of your surveys before sharing them with customers. The process involves building two versions of a survey. Each version should have a different question order, colors, fonts, types, and the number of questions. Send both versions of the survey to a small segment of your target audience. Track which one is more effective and generates the maximum responses. This will help you identify which survey will produce better results when shared with all your customers.

Regularly ask for Customer Feedback

Understand that customers today are extremely smart. They can analyze your every move and action and decide to continue or end the association with your brand in seconds. Customers may not care to respond when you ask for feedback after a poor experience or a poor interaction with your team. They might simply leave as they know that you are taking their feedback out of purpose and not because you genuinely care.

But if you take their feedback regularly, it shows your commitment to serve customers better and build stronger relationships. When they constantly witness you taking feedback and acting on it, they will be more than willing to share their concerns if something goes wrong and give you time to mend the mistakes.

Strive to Achieve Customer Delight – One Question at a Time

Watch: How to Create a Customer Satisfaction Survey

As a business that’s constantly evolving, your ultimate goal should be to achieve customer delight.

With customers becoming smart, you’ve to be smarter and stay one step ahead. That’s how you will gain the competence to build the experiences your customers seek.

Asking the right customer satisfaction survey questions can put you on the right track. They help you glean useful insights into your customers’ likes, dislikes, pain points, and even the things that make them happy.

Before you share surveys, be clear about your objective and base your survey on that goal. Ask the right questions, choose the right timing, and ensure that your survey is aligned with the customers’ journey.

Doing these simple things right will significantly up your survey response rate and introduce you to insights that can bring positive changes in the way you serve your customers.

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About the author

Emma David is a seasoned market research professional with 8+ years of experience. Having kick-started her journey in research, she has developed rich expertise in employee engagement, survey creation and administration, and data management. Emma believes in the power of data to shape business performance positively. She continues to help brands and businesses make strategic decisions and improve their market standing through her understanding of research methodologies.