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Customer Communications Blog


Everything you need to know about customer communications and customer experience!

Blog Feature

Customer | Strategy | Customer Experience

Developing a Modern CX for the Modern Consumer

By: Loraleigh Daum
April 15th, 2024

The customer experience is multifaceted and takes into account every interaction that a customer has with a brand and organization. How customers engage and interact with various organizations on the market is also a part of the customer experience. The customer experience is an extremely important aspect in running any business. The ways in which brands deliver a high-quality customer experience, though, have had to evolve alongside the rest of the marketplace over the years. This is because the things that motivate and drive consumer behavior are constantly changing and fluctuating. Similarly, the way that brands and organizations interact and engage with their audience groups has to ebb and flow as well to meet the demands and needs of modern consumers.

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Blog Feature

Customer Communications

Integrating Intelligent Communication Automation

By: Loraleigh Daum
March 18th, 2024

Automated technology has been a staple in our society for some time now. The earliest forms of automation came to us in the form of ideations from inventors and scientists as old as Da Vinci. However, it was closer to the 1800’s, during the rise of the industrial revolution that any true form of automation was introduced into the world of business. Even at this point, the automated technology was mostly utilized in the context of manufacturing, production, and operation. Even in this limited capacity, however, automated technology made a big splash. Fast forwarding, innovators and inventors alike have improved upon the foundation of automated technology that was laid out for them by historic pioneers, and discovered new applications for the technology. One of the first iterations of automation in business outside of manufacturing or operations was in telecommunications. We’re all familiar with the robot-calls that can still spam our smartphones today. While the technology may seem quite a bit more advanced, some old habits die hard. Even this is a relatively novice application for the level of sophistication that today’s automated technology can achieve. From cold-calling robots and automated emails, to entire chat-based applications, and document creation; automated technology offers a whole array of applications. Intelligent communication as it’s utilized today, is a major part of business operations across all industries.

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Research conducted by Forrester on the value of combining CCM and digital experience.

Blog Feature


Becoming Better Communicators

By: Loraleigh Daum
February 19th, 2024

Communication is at the core of everything we do. Every interaction, and all throughout history, communication is at the root. Language and communication are some of the most complicated and intricate subjects of history, and that’s because of their importance in community. Without some form of communication, there is no community. The latter depends on the former. Although communication has evolved, morphed and evolved over the centuries, it is still very much ingrained into our daily lives. Today, communications are instantaneous, they span the globe in a matter of milliseconds. Additionally, there is a whole plethora of modern communication channels and platforms that consumers utilize regularly. All of this combines to create a labyrinth of digital communications.

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Blog Feature

Customer Journey

The Ins and Outs of the Customer Journey

By: Loraleigh Daum
January 22nd, 2024

In today’s digital marketplace the global economy is bigger, more connected, and more integrated than it ever has been before. Customers have access to brands all over the world with the click of a few buttons. As such, there is a huge variety of potential customers and audiences that brands and organizations could reach with the right messaging positioned in the right place, at the right time. Understanding the differences between audience groups and market segments can aid in crafting a customer journey that is unique to the organization, suited for the industry, and designed to optimize the customer experience. Customer journey’s already exist in every brand and organization, but how different companies design and utilize these journeys is what truly stands out.

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Blog Feature

Customer | Marketing

Creating Organic Customer Engagement

By: Loraleigh Daum
December 25th, 2023

The world feels like it’s becoming more and more technical by the day, and sometimes by the hour or the minute. Technology and information are advancing rapidly, and as they continue to evolve, so too will their place in everyday life. The technology integration trend can already be seen in a myriad of ways. From how we communicate, to how we shop, and even how we work. The prominence of remote work and the virtual economy was heightened during the last few years of the global pandemic. When COVID-19 hit, society began a swift transition into a virtual world. Many organizations and individuals were more than ready for this shift. However, this wave blindsided many others. The consumer segment considered to be digitally native, were largely ready to embrace this new technological and virtual era. This is, at least in part, due to some of the ways technology has already been integrated into everyday life for the past few decades. The generational gap between those born before smart-technology or the internet, and those who were born with it readily available, is more than just ideological. Being introduced to technology and information as early on as new generations have been, there are actual fundamental differences in thought processes. This is important to understand when considering how to develop organic customer engagement with a modern audience.

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Blog Feature

Content Management

The Power of Reusable Content

By: Loraleigh Daum
November 27th, 2023

The era of information and technology changed the world in many ways. Today, the virtual and mobile segments of the economy are booming. This is largely due to the acceleration into the digital era that was caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, but has resulted in a dynamic shift in the marketplace. Leading up to this major shift in the way that businesses operate and the influence consumers have, content marketing was already becoming a popular trend. In the past few years, this trend is now regarded as a best-practice among marketing professionals far and wide. Content marketing is popular for a wide variety of reasons and is well-positioned to resonate with digital natives. This adds to its popularity in marketing communities as digital natives are making up a larger share of the consumer market each and every year. While there are many facets to content marketing, one reason it’s so highly valued is because of the power of reusable content.

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